Lucid Dreaming And Other 'anomalous' Experiences..

this link here explains it all.
and mosch is a liar... JK :P anways... I have only had a few lucid dreams as to which I reconized it as a DREAM. and plus I would actually say "It's only a dream and I would wake up. this IS considered a lucid dream if u click the link I just gave. :)
Ah, read the link. Some nice stuff there. Never actually saw one of the movies, but I don't think that's relevant, right?

Concerning control, there isn't really any, except for the knowledge. I had some abnormal situations and things that are really unlikely or impossible (ranging from swordfights to monsters to some absolutely crazy shit) in my dreams, but I never thought of any "special" power. I never tried to fly or something and I'm sure I couldn't. That swordfight dream for example, I remember that one vividly, because I always wanted to learn swordfighting. Well, I did dream about learning it ;) I wasn't better than I think I would be in real life, I just played around with a shinai with some kind of sensei who wielded one as well.

So you really don't know whether you're dreaming or not? Then how do your dreams work? I mean how do, you know, decide what to do and stuff?
My dreams usually are like a playback of a movie I can't control them And thay usual are to real for me to figure out I'm dreaming. I usually start my dreams in my house or bedroom probably because I don't go to regular school and am usually at home. :) so in other words... My dreams are movies of things that are possible for who I am where I live. for example I had a dream about a couple of twisters coming towards us while we are in a car and we drive as fast as we can so we don't get caught in one of them. This dream happened probably because it was storm season here in florida. Soooo... :)
I was actually lucid last night, looked in the mirror after remembering what Rico said, it was weird, kind of looked like me, but in a more charecterised(Sp?) way.

I love lucid dreaming...
You can train yourself to have lucid dreams. I did. I'll post the techniques if anyones interested. They're really easy to do it just takes practice. Mind you I'm not very good at them. I've only had a few and I usually get so excited that I'm dreaming that I wake up. Bit of a bugger really :)
I'll keep it short and sweet as I'm off to work in a minute.

1) Keep a dream diary. ie write all your dreams down. Keep a pad by the side of your bed. If you wake in the night and remember a dream write down some key words that will remind you of it in the morning. This is the most boring but important skill to master and has nothing to do with lucid dreams as such but what's the point of having a great lucid dream if you can't remember it.

2) No caffine or heavy meals before you go to bed and definately no drugs!

3) When you go to bed say to yourself several times something along the lines of "I will reaslise I am dreaming and will remain in the dream but in a lucid state." or something similar to this that suits you.

4) Watch for dreamsigns while asleep. This is easier than you think. Words and numbers are often difficult to read so look away from your watch and back and the time may have changed to a random number. Look for things that aren't normal in a dream. Flying people (or pigs for that matter ;)) A 2 year old with a beard etc anything abnormal really :)

These are the main tehniques used to obtain lucidity. They take time to master and you make be like me and have only limited success. It was still good fun though :)

Being lucid can range between knowing you are in a dream to being able to alter your dream into another if the current one bores you. I can post some examples from an expert Lucid dreamer if anyone is interested. I'll have to dig around my Amigas hard drive for them though :)

look here for the lucidity institutes FAQ. This is just about one of the best places to find info on Lucid dreaming.

Have fun.

I tried to have lucid dreams a while back with no success, but I got my tips from a fairly big lucid dreams website. I thought I'd throw them in:

1. Start a dream journal. Before you go to sleep tell yourself, or visualise yourself waking up and writing your dream down. If possible set an alarm clock to a multiple of 90 minutes after you fall asleep; you will be woken up mid-dream. When you awake don't move from your position, think about every detail of your dream. Then write it all down. Even if all you remember is a face or a thought, record it.

2. Eventually you will be remembering up to 4 dreams a day, so only write down the most influential or important ones. Before sleeping read through your journal to ready your mind. Eventually you will see certain patterns, or recurring themes, in your dreams.

3. You also need to do reality checks, for example - read things 2 or 3 times, see if they change. Check a clock; in dreams clocks rarely show the right time, or even any time at all. Check a light switch; in dreams they rarely work. Try putting your hand through a wall. Look in a mirror. See your own hands, count the fingers. If you do this every 30 minutes or so, with meaning, you will do it in your dreams.

4. Especially however, you must do such reality checks whenever you see a dream theme from step 2. For example, if you find a lot of your dreams are in a bus, do a reality check in a bus.

5. You will do such checks in your real dreams, and when you realise through the reality check that something is amiss, you will know you are dreaming. Congratulations! However, try not to express too much joy; you will awaken. Start off with just walking around, talking to people. Then in later dreams you can try anything you like.

6. Nightmares: if you are being chased, turn around and confront your chaser. It is probably a fear, and you can overcome it. If you are lucid you will know you cannot be harmed.

7. False awakenings: often you will wake up and get ready, do your morning ritual, etc. only to realise you are still dreaming. This can happen multiple times. The only real way to avoid it is to get into the habit of doing reality checks when you wake up. Or checking the clock, or whatever. Then when you have a false awakening you can turn it into a proper lucid dream, although you usually wake up for real shortly after.

8. Falling: falling is a frequent occurence in dreams. If it happens during a lucid dream, attempt to turn it into flying.
I have a lucid dream every month about... but usually when I want to have them in a certain night there is a 100% chance of me not having one, which sucks. I looked at that one page posted by Badtoad and probably will try that stuff out.

Note to anybody who never had a lucid dream: try those techniques till you have one. Lucid dreams are fucking awsome!!! :P
One reality check to try is look at you hands and ask your self "Am I dreaming?". If you do this enough during the day you will eventually do it in a dream.

Also when you become lucid, if you feel it slipping away, look at the ground and spin around, this helps to remain lucid.
I think I had one last night but not sure this is what happened: I woke up and fell back asleep. a little bit later I realized I was asleep but not dreaming a thing.I could hear everything around me but couldn't open my eyes and couldn't move my arms or legs. The only thing I could do was breath. everytime I would think of moving Icould see myself doing it but there wasn't anything to see because it was dark. after a while of being at this point in time I decided to try and open my eyes the minute I did I woke up. I then fell asleep again and the same thing happened again. but this time the only thing I saw was a mouse and a computer screen And I could control the mouse. But atleast it was my first lucid dream that I was able to control something. :)
Problem is I don't even remember my dreams now, I assume that might not matter when I go lucid but then I might not remember the dream... is a good site, not so much the main pages (although they're good and also warn about the -dangers- of LDs) but the forums are very good (especially the experiments)
I had one today [not sure if this is actually categorized as a lucid dream] after getting 2 hours of sleep and playing Drakenguard for 6 hours straight, my mom woke me up and afterwards for ten minutes I was lying in bed thinking to myself "Damn, what should I eat for breakfast.... oh well, I go in there and decide after I defeat these few enemies". Ten minutes later: "They keep on coming... ok, I think these are the last ones....". I wasn't playing the game, my eyes were open so I could see my room the whole time, but the dream overlapped it, and it was exactly like I was playing the game except instead of a controller my player just did what I thought. After 15 minutes I realized what was going on and finally defeated the last soldier before going in the kitchen, to discover there was nothing I wanted to eat. Fucked up, huh?
Thats Phycho. Well I don't think that is considered a lucid dream cause u didn't reconize as a dream u thought it was real. soooo... that sounds reallycool though. ;)
Thats Phycho. Well I don't think that is considered a lucid dream cause u didn't reconize as a dream u thought it was real. soooo... that sounds reallycool though. ;)
Naw, I realized I was dreaming about twenty times but for only a few seconds each time. Half of that time I didn't really give a shit because it was fun.

But that stuff happens alot though, I've had my share of imaginary GTA and RPG gaming at 6 in the morning.
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