Painting my gp32...

Mar 4, 2003
Im thinking about painting my gp32 to a nice colour, to brighten it up. Do you know of any sites that will do this? any advice on types of paints to use, this black one looks as cool as an eskimo in a freezer:


maybe you could send it to gamepark and exchange ti for the ASR-pack one(black)
You could paint it the sam ecolour as the ourplke gamecube

then u could pretend to the kiddies its a sooped up gbasp! my brotehr believed me, and hes 8!
dye the system black, paint the grey stuff silver, and change the LED to blue. The point of using dye instead of paint is that is doesn't feal so freaken wierd ;) /sticky
Cheers nerd of nerds, I might try that dye, do i need the basecoat too, and what color sould i do it? lets have a vote, and when i have finished i will post the final results :)
how do you use the plastic die just spray it? i wonder if they have baby blue ooooh that would rock and make the grey part navy blue. Yes if u havent noticed i like blue :D
There WAS a page that had step by step instructions for dying a gba but it is gone now :(
dye has to be kinda boiled on :( which could REALLY screw up the case. I think warm water would work just fine ;)

EDIT:nevermind, if that stuff can just be sprayed on then i might do this mod also ;)

AND you should make it black and blue (the white stuff black and everything else blue :P )
oops didnt see the edit WHOOPY to autozone i go

BUT the best way to apply that stuff would be to DISASSEMBLE your gp32 and spray each individual piece ;) I'm thinking that i might do this as long as it doesn't end up feeling like crap

Isn't he using that dye that doesn't really stick that well to plastics however?
part of it could be that oil from hands gets on the plastic and repels the dye ;) just make sure to clean it really well
make sure you wash the heck out of the case, if you don't you will probobly start to cry it would look so awful(not that it would be your fault its the whole oil-repelling thing ;) )

P.S. you could try it on a small peice such as the joystick( wich just pulls out) to test it ;)