The Very Original Current Watching Thread!!

I'm watching Peter Kay (the Bolton and Blackpool ones) and Ross Noble Unrealtime (mainly disk where he's in the park) family guy and little britain series 1 on dvd and series 2 when I catch it on tv.
i gonna watch lil' britain at 11o'clock, yeh but no but yeh but no but yeh but no but yeh but no but yeh but no but yeh but no but yeh but no but yeh but no but yeh bout no but don't listen to her...
watching? ... that's a fairly passive thing, innit... i'm *reading/looking at* this screen...

my TV's showing a black screen ATM because i've got it switched to A/V and have MP3s playing through it... (computer speakers *and* hi-fi both broken :S)

still... nice to know i can get some sound somehow... :P