

NazcaBeer Spokesman
Feb 9, 2004
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Hey I'm getting my gp32 sometime this week (just gotta wait for gp32z to get another shipment :D ) and i was just wondering how KOF91 compares to the old versions of M.U.G.E.N. for windows. Cause thats the game/engine that really got me into fighting games. And if KOF91 is even 75% that good i'll love my new gp32_console even more :P .
Also if it is like mugen are there any limitaions on anything because of the 8 mb ram of the gp?

thanks for any replies.. can't wait for my gp32!
You can't use people like apocalypse because of the memory limit but other than that it works very good and is very fun!
I dont know if this has changed since the last version of KOF that I played but I'd always been annoyed by how some characters have a tendancy to rapidly fire off moves that should have a cool down time almost as if they could perform a second one before even finishing the first.
There are also said to be some issues with collision accuracy in KoF91, though I can't say I've ever noticed. But the game is astounding, and extremely professional.
I think it`s not anywhere near as good as, lets say, all those DBZ Mugen games. They have so much moves and features, which I miss in KOF91.

Oh, and I think the difficulty is too unbalanced in KOF91.
Oh, and I think the difficulty is too unbalanced in KOF91.

Difficulty is unbalanced, yes, but that is possibly partly to do with the actual characters you're using. Hulk, for example, is near impossible to beat, iirc, or to be beaten when playing as. But that's because his moves are so fecking powerful. Playing with different - and weaker - characters increases the difficulty somewhat.

However, I do take your point insofar as it is one of those games where punching someone into the corner and then keeping hitting them until their lifebar reaches 0 is possible. More or less so, though, depending on who you're playing as against...
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yes and no

some updates done recently :
gcc3.4.1 (without speed increase)
optional music for levels
an online mode started but not finished (I've just found my usb cable after 3 months of disappearance).

and I'm working on something else... (too much projects)

Tell me what you need(except speed), I'll try to do it...


PS: mugen is a lot better than KOF91, but you've got the sources to improve it !
I dont know if this has changed since the last version of KOF that I played but I'd always been annoyed by how some characters have a tendancy to rapidly fire off moves that should have a cool down time almost as if they could perform a second one before even finishing the first.
megaman, but it still is a very good game :D
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