Thanks tekt5. That review is really old now. At the time I saw the GP32 wasn't getting enough attention so I wanted to help change that.
Then along came the Zodiac and figured the GP32 was dead.
I was wrong.
I miss the GP32 a lot, and not only is the dev scene more active, but ironically I still like some of the GP32 games better than the Zodiac games. I bought Duke Nukem for Zodiac for example, and it was a big disappointment - Her Knights is a much better game (totally different genre of course). And the free Doom port on GP32 is actually BETTER than the Zodiac version which you have to pay for.
And sadly, while the Zodiac has the superior control layout (SNES basically) the GP32's digital stick is more accurate for emus and most games, and the GP32 buttons were more comfortable.
I might post a small BLU review, along with a Zodiac comparison in the near future.
I'm NOT going anti-Zodiac, I'm not anti any system. If you really want a PDA that plays games well, the Zodiac is fantastic, and the build quality if superior to anything I've seen (meaning the screen, metal case etc.). But the GP32 has an amazing dev scene, amazing selection of emus, and now with the BLU model, it finally has a screen to match.
Back to the chatboard... Not sure I want one yet. Maybe in the future, might be nice for the computer emus. I love Atari 800.