Can the gp32 read .smc files?


May 31, 2003
If not, is there a converter for it? I have a gp32 rom, but its in .smc format, I wanna try to get it to run.
no it can't play .smc files. Here is a sure fire way to get that game running on your gp32 BUY IT. The games for this system really arn't even worth the effort to pirate since they are so cheap to download from joygp.
i got some gp32 roms some are zpk which you need a prog that comes wit it and some are the files that are in the zpk like th gxb and stuff i dont know how to install it. the hacker a man name ignorante named a prog called pac rom to install the files not the zpk. any idea what this is? i finally got my friend to buy a gp32 and hes interested in ASR which rom i have but hes being an ass and wont buy the game so he asked me to dl it for him. any idea what pac rom is? also where did you get your gp32 roms Mash?
those arn't really concidered roms but more so just pirated games. They are diffrent than the acctual roms that are floating around which are in .smc format and ment to be played with geepee32. As for pac rom do alittle research and you will find what you are looking for.
I was kinda dissapointed when i paid $30 for Her Knights: all for princess, its frsutratingly hard (zombie levels anyone?), and the controls aren't as responsive as I wished. Also, the characters are really unbalanced imo, only the second character is good enough to pass through some of those levels. I know I just gotta work it in, but it's not my type of game, and I'd prefer testing games out before buying because of this.
Theres a differenc between testing out and "testing out", Usually once people have the pirated game/software/movie they won't buy it unless buying it offers better quality/features
i like her knights it was worth my money but i want to get some gp32 multiplayer games but cant find the games to download in zpk the ones i found are like unzipped zpks that are all the files seperate.
If you have a non illegal reaon for wanting to read the files from a .SMC file you can get a program to let you extract the contents of them from the official English GP32 dev site, I think it's called devtool or something, if not just buy of JOYGP, they are cheap as hell
I made a few .smc files for geepee and i deleted the files i used to make them. they wernt illegal. sure alot of smc files are illegal roms but not all of them. by the way how many of your actually own a msx and the games that you run on the gp32? lol point in case
all roms are illegal unless you own the game;)
Dude, support gamepark and BUY the games instead of trying to rip them off of what little money they have.
It has been an on going debate over what is emulation and what is flat out piracy. The comment concerning the msx and weather or not people who use the emulator really own the system. It has been stated time and time again that emulation for the most part is an attempt to preserve dead game consoles and the software that they run. You can no longer buy an msx and the companies that created the games for it years and years ago are most certianly not making a profit fom those games anymore. Emulating a system like that is game preservation and the emulation of the system is not cutting into the companies sales. On the other hand the use of pirated gp32 games on a gp32 is flat out piracy many of the games that are floating around have come out in the last year or even few months. They are brand new games many of which are done by very small developers and if they are widly pirated they could very easily create great financl lose for a company. As well joygp has provided a service in which you can by most of these games for only a few bucks and download them to avoid shipping / import tax. There is really no reason to pirate games that are being produced by very small developers like blaze, seed 9 and other small companies who are still very much so trying to make a profit off of their software. So if your too cheap to buy the games for a few bucks then don't play them at all. If you feel like you must know everything about a game before buying it find a demo or if there is no demo read some reviews I mean hell thats why people write them in the first place.