Gp Succesor?

Gamepark does make a profit on every GP32 sold. They are making profit on hardware.

Just because conventional games companies dont make profit on hardware, it doesnt mean Gamepark cant.

You are going on like nobody makes money on hardware. You can get a quality PPC for about £150, and that includes a touch-screen. PPC dont really offer any future software sales for manufacturers, but they still make them because they are profitable.
I dunno about the dreamcast, but the xbox and I think the PS1 too need to be modded for homebrew stuff to work. GBA needs an expensive cart with cramped memory space....
I don't see many people sticking a mod chip in a gizmondo if it would require one.
the reason gamepark is upgrading to gp64 its probably because they wont be able to buy 166mhz arms chips anymore and 8mb of ram. take buying a pc for example have you ever been to a ashop asking for a pentium3 lately, well u wont be a be able to get any.

I recon that why the new gp32's have been getting more powerfull it because their suppliers manufactureing has made the chip more powerful, and gamepark just get the slowest chip for the price.

All i recon gp64 will be is a 300mhz arm with 64mb of ram (and with that you can emulate n64 and ps1).
Another thread about this? Haven't we already beat this to death already <_<
hope its ATLEST 300 mhz and 32megs of ram, some video processor would be needed also, with something other than SMC
SMC suck and are expensive, huge SD cards are relatively cheap
and then again, will NEED to have some way to use a keyboard
chat board would be prefered, got to have a chatboard
but with thoose specs, then N64 and PS1 would be where SNES is now


still no clue on release date?
ok so gapmepark hasnt set a date so what why dont you just wait and see what its all about when or if they realese the gp32 2 or gp64??? ok
Like I said this has been beat to death in the OTHER THREAD about this. 30 pages of wish lists and ideas, meh.

It has also been said by Gamepark that it has been delayed (from other thread) and they will release the current BLU to more European countries in *2005* (meaning anything else is over a year away at least).

What? a new Megadrive emu, Amstrad emu, and updates of Rlyehs emus including fMAME aren't good enough for you guys? Maybe you should enjoy the current GP32, I don't think it is so bad ;) Or for you non BLU owners, buy a BLU and pretend it is the "GP32 II" :P
there's only 1 good thing about waiting til the end of 2005 or 2006 or later to release a new handheld system, Gamepark should have enough time to scope out the PSP and the DS and whatever else comes along and make the new GP32 better.

But I still don't think there will ever be a new system release, it just doesn't seem economically feesable.

I was under the impression that the Gizmondo used SD cards? If this is the case then any software could be made to run on it pretty easily, no?