Selling Pyra 4GB Dark Chrome within Germany


Still Fresh
Mar 21, 2022
I am selling my Pyra on Ebay. It hurts me but the screen is not readable for my old eyes anymore. I ship only within Germany.
Ok this is quite sad, i hope its will end in also good hands whit a bit better Eyes ^^
Allthough the OS is still Work in Progress, so it might be the Scaling will get some improvements over time..
For me, it works, and its ok for Writer or something on the Go, but its a bit to small if its your only PC..

Its nice that you dont ask for Moon Prices, when i looked at your Ebay Side, i also searched for a Analogue Pocket, and they want 1500 € just for the Handheld.. :oops:
Allthough the OS is still Work in Progress, so it might be the Scaling will get some improvements over time..
Yes, that might be true. However, the fine device is laying around here. It does not get younger especially the battery.

Its nice that you dont ask for Moon Prices, when i looked at your Ebay Side, [...]
I just want the Pyra in good hands and not be grabbed as yet another cheap emulation handheld. If I get only 150 € then it is okay, too.

I did not say that with the eyes to get sympathy. I just explained why I give the fine device away with a heavy heart. It is an awesome product and I am happy to contribute with the pre-order and my money to make the Pyra real.
1. Ebay is a bad choice for selling.
It is not my favorite platform either, but it allows auctions and has much more visitors than the competitors.

2. Since you use it anyway, you should have added the link.
This is seen as spamming. Just search with the following keywords
pyra handheld

There aren't many Pyras there.
Since when is posting a link considered spamming?
We do a lot of trades here actually.
Sold to me.. the Pyra stay in the Forum Community. ;)

I am not that active Member anymore but my experimentings have never endet with the Pyra.

Rescently i got with gl4es and Box86 the old Tirtanium Benchmark very smoothly running on the Pyra.
Netflix and Disney Plus and PlutoTV are working here but stuttering.. is not the Wlan Speed..i know there are some EGL Errors in Backround they slowed down Video Playing with Chromium extremly.
And maybe when we get a newer Soundsystem who do not need so much CPU Power will help too.

Tank you for selling the Pyre..she should arrive these Days here :)
And Pyra Videos from Someone whit a lot better English Scills ^^
Maybe I can then make a bit vaccations or something, playing Pyra for myself ,
I found a quite cool GBA Game today „Drill Dozer“ ^^
Ooooh, so do you have two now? You could test heaps of cool stuff like setting up a LAN with them, multiplayer games, try sharing files between them with bluetooth etc?