What have you bought recently?

Yeah, flea markets were great for cheap stuff. Some second-hand shops also sell stuff for cheap. In a second-hand shop I got a TI-84 Plus for €1,-. Though I actually think that is a pretty fair price for what is essentially a computer based on a Z80 CPU, some stores sell them new for over €100,-. I guess that they made a good deal with schools which then require their students to use them. Otherwise I really do not understand how they can sell these things for that price.

But I would not buy 3 regular Gameboy Classic games for €55,-. If you wait longer and keep searching you can likely find a much better deal. Maybe not on flea markets though, those are gone now. Too bad, I would love to go to one again. At least there are still second-hand shops and the good old dumping grounds. I have a working high-class CRT with standard to put it on and to put stuff below it (such as my Commodore64 or NES) and I got it for free from a dumping ground nearby.
I don’t mind the price, it’s dosnt made me much poorer, It was an interesting experience to be on such a convention, so I don’t think it was a loss..
I would be surprised to find an working Gameboy and Games for 1€,
Shure these scored games and consoles I saw where ridiculous, but I’m still under the impression, it’s a good price..
ok Boulder Dash might be a buy out of ideas, I wanted more than the one game, and I dit know the name of this game and that it’s not that bad of a puzzle game..
if I would look in the Internet, I would maybe got a better price, but also a look on Amazon showed they made about the same prices ..
So I’m fine, I came outside yesterday, it was interesting, but it would be maybe more interesting whit Peaple from the Pyra Boards … maybe next time on Retrosaar or other Conventions
I bought Bravely Default II, despite knowing of the massive conspiracy to conceal the true and failed sequel to Bravely Default, Bravely Second: End Layer.

Meh, hopefully they got it right this time.
not exactly bought as it was my 60th birthday present....


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Akko 82 key with cherry MX browns.
It's got a really good layout, compact but with all the keys I need. And a nice feel.

Just found out the colour scheme references an old Reuters terminal keyboard. That's cool.
I went for a new keyboard too, but it is still a pre-order :


I took the extra "linear A" keycaps too, because there a not many chances Bépo comes out anyway, and it is probably better I finally learn proper touch typing anyway, so why not with a bit of fun?

I might also get a Ploopy trackball with it, maybe the nano is enough if I configure the keyboard properly.

All that runs free firmware and is (at least close to) open hardware <3
USB keyboard are your basic USB input device these days. The only thing that can be closed off from open source users is control over keyboard backlighting, if your keyboard has that.

I've also never learned touchtyping, although these days I've been typing so long that I don't often need to look at the keyboard when typing. But I never hover over the home keys, and if it's too dark to find the keys I usually run off the tab key onto Q to find my way. Perhaps I would be better off going for the home keys in that situation though on consideration. Maybe I'll spend some time practicing finding the F and J keys in the dark.
USB keyboard are your basic USB input device these days. The only thing that can be closed off from open source users is control over keyboard backlighting, if your keyboard has that.
Well, when everthing is configurable on several layers, it does add a bit of salt... the config tool is open source too, and they also provide the electrical schematics, which might help in case I want to add something at some point (which might also not happen, we'll see)
Open hardware allows custom keymaps. In case you have to work on a closed source computer, say at school/work/uni, having the layout in the keyboard is vital.
I would be 100% lost with a peasant keyboard.
I eyed with such open keyboard myself for a long time because there are situations where you cannot load your own keyboard definition.
But then i got a nice cherry mx pink switch on the flea marked for just 30 bucks and since i have not used any other system than my own in the past 10 years it would be just a waste of money.

inb4: Pyras law: "The probability of a thread turning into a keyboard discussion has to approach one."
that's cool that you've only used your own computer for 10 years. you avoid what i consider the bane of my existence: configuring computers.

i'm a bit annoyed that there is no insert key. i use this quite a bit when i remote into windoze.

unfortunately i couldn't locate my old .xmodmaprc, which re-assigns caps lock to control, freeing up an led to use for eg mail notification. oh wait. that means configuring computers. nevermind.

other than that i'm (still in the honeymoon phase and) really liking this keyboard. it has a better feel than topre, leopold, filco, das, happy hacking. WASD might as good (if not better) though.
Ah finally a fellow who too uses the leds for something meaningful. I have my cpu usage on them.
I had _gaming_ keyboard that crashed when i set the leds from the computer, not the average use case a guess.
Anyone here got any experience of the MiSTer
I have a MiSTer, and it's awesome (I also have the original MiST it was derived from). I also preordered the multisystem (luckily quickly enough to get in the first batch) as I much prefer the form factor, and it slightly reminds me of old consoles (which is the point).

There's a lot of impressive development for the MiSTer, and many of the platforms (hardware emulation) work flawlessly.
I have a MiSTer, and it's awesome (I also have the original MiST it was derived from). I also preordered the multisystem (luckily quickly enough to get in the first batch) as I much prefer the form factor, and it slightly reminds me of old consoles (which is the point).

There's a lot of impressive development for the MiSTer, and many of the platforms (hardware emulation) work flawlessly.
Do you use a CRT or LCD? HDMI/SCART/VGA?

I'm planning on using a CRT over VGA, and mainly for arcade cores. The whole scaling output situation is confusing me more, the more I read :D
Line doubling and scaler off is what I think I need....
I must admit I get confused with scaling stuff, so I'm not a good person to ask I'm afraid. I have used mine through hdmi and vga and they work perfectly with my lcd monitor (although modern monitors do sometimes struggle or refuse to work with lower resolutions/refresh rates).

I think CRTs should work fine though, and I believe it's possible that some light gun games may even also work.