

I am a banana!
Jan 31, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
Dosbox Staging is an SDL2 port of dosbox which i've ported to the Pyra,

It's on the repo now, full screen and fast enough. Could be a bit faster.

I'd suggest not using the dos game dbps I've made on the repo as they will be not scaled right etc.. I will update them later.
It's an entirely unsupported branch of dosbox with modern features, dunno why it's called staging but this could be one of the reasons yes :)
Try this build. Cycles are set to max and I changed a few rendering options.

I wouldn't encourage you to use this normally, the performance isn't going to be optimal until we have neon scalers etc. I'm getting full framerate at 640 x 480 res and 800 x 600 seems so-so depending on where you are.


Im currently have my USB 3,5 * Disquette Drive connect to my Pyra, and Dosbox Stagging installed, how do I tell the Dosbox to load games from it?
Would be a cool video; but I don’t have any knowledge..
is there a menue?
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Was trying to find my USB floppy to confirm this, but likely it's a command you have to add to dosbox config file or type it out in the DOS command line.

MOUNT A /dev/fd0 -t floppy

/dev/fd0 may be ( /mount/floppy ) although if you have trouble getting the floppy drive to work, it may because floppy drive support wasn't compiled in the Linux Kernel.
Well it would be cool to load directly from flobby but if I know where to put the games on the sd cart and how to run then it would also be fine

In fact I never used Dosbox whit a command, once I just put the execuble on the Dosbox icon on a Windows Computer and it’s run
My first Computer after the C64 from my Sister where DOS, but this is now maybe 25 years ago..
Well if you just want to play games on an SD card... It's fairly easy.

just make a folder on your SD card for DOS games ex: /meda/trashymg/SDCARD/dos_games/

in DOSBOX type:
mount C /meda/trashymg/SDCARD/dos_games/

go to the C: drive by typing C: (have to press fn+shift ; as the key mapping is odd in dosbox on the Pyra)

To make things easy and you don't have to type that in all the time There is a config file in your home directory usually either in .dosbox or .config/dosbox (not sure as different versions seem to use different paths. Just add that mount command to the bottom of the file.
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Ok thanks, so i should put them from my Disks to the Pyra Rom SD Card, as this is a bit more easy to remember than the Pyra Data Card which have a difficult name ..
so when I mounted C to the SD Card, I type c: , then list, and then just the name of the game? And when they are in folders?
So C: Cavado? Par exemple?
Well you need to cd into the game directories and then run the executable files to play it...
in DOSBOX type:
mount C /meda/trashymg/SDCARD/dos_games/

go to the C: drive by typing C: (have to press fn+shift ; as the key mapping is odd in dosbox on the Pyra)
Not that odd. On a US 101 key keyboard, colon (:) is on shift semicolon (;), and double quote (") is on shift single quote ('). On a pyra keyboard you need to use FN to access that first key but from there think US keyboard to know what to press next.

To make things easy and you don't have to type that in all the time There is a config file in your home directory usually either in .dosbox or .config/dosbox (not sure as different versions seem to use different paths. Just add that mount command to the bottom of the file.
Is that true of dosbox-staging as well? I assume the rules for DBPs should be somewhat similar to those of PNDs so DBPs shouldn't really pollute your home directory if at all possible, so I'd try looking in SDCARD/dragonbox/appdata/dosbox-staging. Of course with not many people testing this it's always possible it still puts its config files in your real home directory, even it rules were being enforced it shouldn't.
Is that true of dosbox-staging as well?
Don't know I was giving this advice without looking at my Pyra, didn't have it on me. just in the past the DBPs have been polluting the home folder configs.
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Don't know I was giving this advice without looking at my Pyra, didn't have it on me. just in the past the DBPs have been polluting the home folder configs.

there's a main dosbox.conf in the DBP that's read on launch with the most sane settings for the Pyra and the conf files can be piggy backed off each other for sanity and compatibility for my individual DBP files.

Better off adding your paths and then saving the conf file which *SHOULD* end up in the /dragonbox/appdata/dosbox-staging directory.

I believe typing config -writeconf dosbox-staging.conf will spit out the conf file into the appdata folder :)
@levi , Well just to add, I was using some very old DBPs of Wally's dosbox and some early devboard executables not in a DBP , so my home folder was a mess of config files...