Psp Video

DaveC posted on Sep 30 2004 at 02:03 AM said:
I will probably get a DS just because it comes out much sooner than the PSP. When the PSP comes out I will get that too. The one I really want the most is the PSP. Too bad it has been pushed back to next year :(

The PSP just looks so cool and "sexy" compared to the DS. The DS looks like a kid's toy. I am also not sure about that whole stylus bit. How will that work in a game? You hold the unit and use the pad to play. Then you need to use the touch screen so you pause the game pick up the stylus and do that. then put the stylus away and play with the pad , back and forth. Just seems kind of hoaky to me.
Code has to be signed for the xbox as well, and wow, look at that, it has the strongest homebrew of any of the current gen consoles :o.
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I don't think it's that stupid to think that kiddy games are less desirable than adult games. Adult games are de facto going to appeal more to the adult gamer. I've got nothing against "children's games" qua "children's games", for instance Mario could be described as for children, but is great so nobody minds.

It makes sense that one would prefer a game aimed at one's age group however. I mean, what sort of self respecting 20 year old watches Bambi? None, because it is a kid's film and hence licks balls.
LHC posted on Sep 30 2004 at 09:03 PM said:
I don't think it's that stupid to think that kiddy games are less desirable than adult games. Adult games are de facto going to appeal more to the adult gamer. I've got nothing against "children's games" qua "children's games", for instance Mario could be described as for children, but is great so nobody minds.

It makes sense that one would prefer a game aimed at one's age group however. I mean, what sort of self respecting 20 year old watches Bambi? None, because it is a kid's film and hence licks balls.

Exactly and do nintendo games appeal to me? NO so stop trying to convince me fanboys. I'll stick with GTA and Unreal Tournament 2010 as someone hear mentioned.
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I have a laptop, I don't need the PSP. Might be interested if someone cracks UMD. The DS, on the other hand, might become cheap enough for me to buy...along with the emulators and GBA support.

I think stuff like the PSP, portable PSOne, and portable DVD players are kinda frivolous. It makes more economic sense to buy a laptop (which can do sooo much more), unless you live in the type of neighborhood where the laptop might get stolen. But then again, you'd have to save up for a laptop, where as you could splurge on a PSP or portable DVD Player sooner :D

Note: Even after saying this, I am planning on buying a computer for my car. But that's a full computer so it's OK :rolleyes:
LHC posted on Sep 30 2004 at 09:03 PM said:
It makes sense that one would prefer a game aimed at one's age group however. I mean, what sort of self respecting 20 year old watches Bambi? None, because it is a kid's film and hence licks balls.

I watch Disney films....

Hey General, I would like to see you put your Laptop into your pocket :P About portable DVD players, you're right. Who buys this?
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This looks good, but I'm stil going with the DS, I will probably be getting a PSP some other time.

Oh and NFS was possibly the worst looking game.
There are going to be limitations on graphics no matter what, what counts is they do the best they can with what they have, the question really should be "how does it PLAY?".
Im leaning towards the Psp for the sole reason that the Psp game designers are trying to forget that the Ps2 even exists. They are trying to make totally new games, not just continuing old series and porting old classics. I know that they are porting and continuing as well, but there will hopefully be a couple great original games. I used to be a huge Ninty fanboi(and still kinda am) but after the N64 I kinda started to lean towards Sony, after GC i totally lost hope. Don't flame me because I have an opinion, you have yours and I'm not trying to change yours.
Btw NFS:U actually looks cool, if that was coming out on DS you fanbois would be preaching to all about how 1337 the DS will be ;)

a majority of the PSP games are either rehashes or EA sports games

please explain your point

the DS has a lot of rehashes, but of great games

I have yet to see either outshine the other so far, but Ninty have finally realised what they have been doing wrong for the past 7 years and are releasing the console before SONY, which will get them the first wave of people going WOW
andius: How much LSD did you have before writing that post?

And how can you call me a fanboy when I clearly state I will be getting both, but the DS first as it comes out first, and the PSP will be out of my price range.
There's nothing wrong with an opinion aslong as you can back up your reasoning for it. True there are a lot of game that are based on the same series as games apprearing on PS2 but aside from name simularities there's no guarentee these games will or will not be the exact same thing as the PS2 counterparts and in some cases they'd have to change them simply because of the control limitations of the system (only one analog, and short two of the four should buttons) Estetically some of the games maybe the same but for the few that arnt like Metal Gear Acid there may be some decen suprises.

Of course I havent yet read the release lists for the two systems but from what I saw at E3 I'd say both systems will have their share of offshoot games from well known franchises with a focus on the special qualities that each system poses.
finty101 posted on Oct 20 2004 at 03:28 PM said:
andius: How much LSD did you have before writing that post?

And how can you call me a fanboy when I clearly state I will be getting both, but the DS first as it comes out first, and the PSP will be out of my price range.

Err I never called you a fanboy :huh:

Heres my reasoning(however messed up it is): I've been reading alot about both systems. The Ds seems kinda cool to me, but the second screen just seems gimicky to me, also some of the games(that are not ports) look kinda stupid to me. I also don't like the system's looks and I prefer the sleeker looks of the PSP. I've had much better expierences with Sony's products in the past as well. Hey it just may be me, but I don't like the Ds very much. Woteva ;)

@ MattMagoo: Sega also thought that their problem was late releases, but look how that turned out. ;) They rushed many of their systems out with major design flaws.
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Lots of new PSP announcements, so read on!

After months of speculation, Sony has announced that the PlayStation Portable will launch in Japan on December 12th 2004 priced 19,800 yen excluding tax (around 145 Euro), with 21 games due out before the end of the year.

Early high profile PSP software will include the promised EA titles (Need for Speed Underground Rivals and Tiger Woods PGA Tour), Dynasty Warriors from KOEI, Metal Gear Acid from Konami, Vampire Chronicle from Capcom, Puyo Pop Fever from SEGA, Hot Shots Golf from Sony and Ridge Racer from Namco.

The December 12th date puts the PSP on stores shelves in Japan ten days after Nintendo DS launches in the region. Nintendo's rival handheld is due on US store shelves even earlier on November 21st, and will cost less at just $149.99 (117 Euro). Nintendo has yet to clarify how many games will launch alongside the console.

Sony has also clarified the battery life situation, stating in its press release this morning that the rechargeable Li-Ion battery will last "between four and six hours for game titles and continuous four to five hours for video viewing," based on the firm's own measurements. Those measurements assume display luminance is set to maximum (180 cd/m2) and minimum (80 cd/m2), while volume is set to half of the maximum level, headphone is in use and wireless LAN not in use.

The console will launch alongside a clutch of accessories including an AC adaptor, battery pack, Memory Stick Duo (32MB), headphone set with remote control, soft-case and hand-strap. We imagine the Memory Stick Duo may be a prerequisite for using the console - it'll cost 3,500 yen (25 Euro) on its own.

Sony will also release a "PSP Value Pack" for 24,800 yen (182 Euro) featuring the console and all of the above accessories in one box. There are no console-plus-game bundles mentioned in this morning's announcement.

Looking further into the future, Sony says that more than one hundred games are in development for the system, and that, "Entertainment software of an entirely new category mixing game, music and video on a single UMD is expected to be released in spring 2005, further enriching the world of PSP."

Sony has yet to comment on when the PSP will launch in the States and Europe, but the expectation now is that the company can stick to its "early 2005" estimate, having proven itself to analysts who had already written off the console's hopes of making it out this year.

Thanks to Gamesindustry

It's so damn cheap! I'm getting one for my next BirthDay, but DS first!