Gba Flash Thing Whats The Best ?


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Dec 24, 2003
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hi im thinkin of gettin a gba flash cart thing. Was just wonderin where is the best place and what is the best kind?. EZ-FLASH and MAGIC USB are 2 iwas lookin at on eba. oh im in uk and no i will not try gbax as they seem to be very expensive :angry:.
Well with the flash cards you get the quality and service you pay for, there are a lot of fake and poor quality ones around now.

The 512M XG2 is probably the best value vs. quality one. But make sure its a real one and not a fake.

I'd say don't buy from asia, they will most likely be fakes. (end up being 64m and not 256m, clock does not exist etc.).

CABBAGES posted on Sep 19 2004 at 05:34 PM said:
hi im thinkin of gettin a gba flash cart thing. Was just wonderin where is the best place and what is the best kind?. EZ-FLASH and MAGIC USB are 2 iwas lookin at on eba. oh im in uk and no i will not try gbax as they seem to be very expensive :angry:.

I purchased a Flash2Advance Ultra 1Gigabit card and am really happy with it.
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I have been thinking of buying one for a while now. I can't figure out what one will be the best. ProgFrog, how many games can you fit on your Flash2Advance 1GB card?
Shirohagen posted on Sep 19 2004 at 06:15 PM said:
Can I use one of these with my Mac?


Most/all USB flashkits work in OSX with VirtualPC (you need to install some Windows
though). As far as I know only tha late (rip) Flash Advance Xtreme is the only directly
supported flashkit for OSX.
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Well, I have taken some time and done a little searching to find a good Flash Card and Linker. The one that seems to be the best to me is called "EZ-FLASH 3", it comes with a 1GB Flash Card, and a Linker to connect to any USB slot. The feature that grabbed my attention is the ability to compress rom files, to it can fit almost double on the 1GB card. The main Website is here and this seems to be a good website to order it from Apparently you can buy cards from 1gb-8gb in size

EDIT: Just to let you know, the website link I gave to order the EZ Flash 3 is just about the cheapest place to order it. I have seen other websites selling it for up to $200

I think I am deffenitly gonna order one of these and give it a try

Here is a little copy and paste i did, it shows the features of the EZ-FLASH 3 as well as a picture of it

Larger loader of Built-in 32mbits Flash. Loader will no longer take up ROM space.
Built-in EZPDA software. With EZPDA software you can browse the text and picture or launch the game on EZ-DISK directly. That means you do not need to make the ROM for reading books or looking pictures with third-party software, just only drag text and picture files into the cart. The picture size can up to 2000 x 1500 and 1:1 display.
You can edit the contact information of your friends in PC and write it to EZ3 cart, so that you will be able to find out your friend whenever and wherever with the help of your EZ Flash.
The memo is combined with the real time clock reminds the important incident in time.

Have a real file system, capacity up to EZ-DISK of 1Gbits-8Gbits (128MB-1024MB ) When you connect the EZ3 Cart to the EZ Writer II, itĄŻs a USB disk exactly.

3. Drag and drop to write the data.
You can copy the files or whole folder from any folders in your PC to the EZ3 Cart by dragging the file or the folder and drop it into programming software directly. It also means that you can delete the ROM from EZ3 Cart and add the ROM to the EZ3 Cart randomly and arbitrarily instead of sequentially.

4. ROM compression
It supports the optional function of ROM compressing. With this option, you can compress the ROM into 50% of the original size to save the storage space. The cost of using this function is that you must to wait 12 seconds before you can run a 64Mbit ROM, the larger ROM the longer to wait.

5.Realtime clock
The real time clock can compatible all kinds of known real timeĄŻ ROM.
The memo function of EZPDA can remind you the important incident according to the present clock.

6.Dual cheat engine
We also update the cheat engine to second generation. You can cheat the newest game without waiting for the official updated database of XCODE.
A cheat select window will appear when you start a cheat enabled ROM to choose which cheat option you want to use in this game session.
If you can not use the cheat directly because of ROM compatibility, the official XCODE will always be available later to supply a more compatible cheat.

7.Dual soft reset
As the cheat engine, soft reset function of ROM also gets two versions, the faster and self-help one and the official and the more compatible one.

8.SMS (Saver Manage System)
The SMS improved more powerful with the large storage of EZ-DISK.
Each game can keep unlimited pieces of saver in theory before they reach the capacity of EZ-DISK, you can choose the different saver before you start the game. Savers can be deleted on GBA.

9.Ultimate development platform
EZ3 offered a huge storage and additional RAM to break the limit of GBA console. Developers can do more stuff on it as their wish. We will provide the completely SDK to the developers which owned EZ3 later.

Ugh. What's that ugly big chunk of plastic for? Please don't tell me it's for uploading roms to the flash cart, as the one I have plugs directly into the GBA so you never have to remove the flashcart once installed, and I thought they were all the same?
joeybob posted on Sep 19 2004 at 08:21 PM said:
I have been thinking of buying one for a while now. I can't figure out what one will be the best. ProgFrog, how many games can you fit on your Flash2Advance 1GB card?

It all depends on the size of your rom. some of the space on the card is also reserved for the card's boot menu. On average I usually fit between 10 and 15.
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ProgFrog posted on Sep 20 2004 at 05:33 AM said:
joeybob posted on Sep 19 2004 at 08:21 PM said:
I have been thinking of buying one for a while now. I can't figure out what one will be the best. ProgFrog, how many games can you fit on your Flash2Advance 1GB card?

It all depends on the size of your rom. some of the space on the card is also reserved for the card's boot menu. On average I usually fit between 10 and 15.

That's why I am probly gonna get the EZ Flash 3, the EZ Loader doesnt take any of the rom space because it is loaded directly into the ram. And it has the feature of compacting the rom files so the storage on the 1gb card is almost like having 1.8gb. And it has extra ram, so you can run some stuff that can't run on a normal flash card, or just on a gba. And no more making .gba files of programs. Just copy it to the card and select it in the menu. And how hard is it to just take the cart out of my gba and stick it into the EZ Linker

Squidge, as far as it bieng connected to the EZ Connecter, and not directly through the GBA. This is actually supposed to be better. It has faster copying times, and it's faster when making a rom out of a gba game catridge.
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Flash Advance Xtreme is the only directly
supported flashkit for OSX.

Is there anywhere I can still get one of those? I'd far rather be OSX native as Virtual PC can be a right pain sometimes and I resent resorting to dirty old Windows on my lovely clean Mac!

gowd i had a flash cart a long long time ago, i got one of those EZ flash ones and apart from the software being a little tempremental it was a dammn fine card, i think it got later superseeded by the EZ flash

i do like flash link carts, sigh the punk who stole mine will pay one day
Still trying to sell my 256M EZF-Advance cart with linker if anyone wants it. Looking for £60 including shipping, or nearest offer. Easiest and fastest cart available. PM or email me if interested.
ATTENTION!!!(always wanted to yell that :P)

Anyways, I found something quite interesting. It's called the G-Bank. It is the similar idea to a flash card. It has 128mb built in, to run roms from. It also has the nice feature that it can use SD or MMC cards for rom and save storage. In fact you can connect a game directly into the Game Bank and make a backup without even connecting it to the computer. The G-Bank connects into GBA or GBA SP. MMC and SD cards are formated as FAT16, so it treats the space in MB like a computer HD. So if you buy a MMC or SD card that is 512mb you can hold 512mb worth of gba roms on it. So do the math, the biggest gba rom I've seen is 16mb so a 512mb SD card can hold about 32, 16mb roms. Then when you want to play one of the games on the SD or MMC card you just load it into the built in 128mb space. You can connect the G-Bank into any USB slot to transfer roms you already have on your computer.

Here are some websites

Some Info can be found HERE!!

It can be ordered HERE!!
Shirohagen posted on Sep 20 2004 at 03:41 PM said:
Flash Advance Xtreme is the only directly
supported flashkit for OSX.

Is there anywhere I can still get one of those? I'd far rather be OSX native as Virtual PC can be a right pain sometimes and I resent resorting to dirty old Windows on my lovely clean Mac!


Try Interesting Devices in UK or Success-hk... Most Flash2Advance & Flash Advance carts are supported if you can't find Xtreme flash carts.
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