Gp32 Guru

Steve-O posted on Sep 19 2004 at 03:17 PM said:
EvilDragon posted on Sep 19 2004 at 10:00 AM said:
If you are helpful without being a dev, you'll become one.

It's that easy.

Im helpful :P.. I make chatboards and sell them at the lowest price on here :D

BTW, I still have 1 chatboard left, PM Me if u want it. UK Buyer will receive it Next Day ;)
yeah but you're annoying.

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Phil posted on Sep 19 2004 at 03:52 PM said:
Steve-O posted on Sep 19 2004 at 03:17 PM said:
EvilDragon posted on Sep 19 2004 at 10:00 AM said:
If you are helpful without being a dev, you'll become one.

It's that easy.

Im helpful :P.. I make chatboards and sell them at the lowest price on here :D

BTW, I still have 1 chatboard left, PM Me if u want it. UK Buyer will receive it Next Day ;)
yeah but you're annoying.


NNNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooo :lol: :lol: :lol: hehe
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Phil posted on Sep 19 2004 at 02:43 PM said:
sam fisher posted on Sep 19 2004 at 02:14 PM said:
thats not nice. give me my badge  or i won't stop asking for it all day.
or he could just give you a nice banned or jailed sticker.


don't worry about phil, hes just got sand in his vagina
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spray posted on Sep 19 2004 at 06:40 PM said:
bringoutthegimp posted on Sep 19 2004 at 05:36 PM said:

says the guy with over 1500 posts to what is essentially a geek haven.

AHAHAHAHAHA that works out as almost 4 posts a day and have you seen your post count and joining date? fuckin idiot
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spray posted on Sep 19 2004 at 06:47 PM said:
thats ~2.5 less per day than me!

way to prove your not a nerd!
Nothing wrong with being a nerd as long as you hide it when needed. Although once I had a conversation about Linux with a stranger in a club... he tried to help me install my modem, course I cant remember what he told me <_<
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bringoutthegimp posted on Sep 19 2004 at 05:44 PM said:
spray posted on Sep 19 2004 at 06:40 PM said:
bringoutthegimp posted on Sep 19 2004 at 05:36 PM said:

says the guy with over 1500 posts to what is essentially a geek haven.

AHAHAHAHAHA that works out as almost 4 posts a day and have you seen your post count and joining date? fuckin idiot

Gimp - you own a GP32... The GP32 is one of the ultimate nerd machines ;)

If you were not a nerd, you would sell your GP32 and stick with the PS2 and GBA :o
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xboxit posted on Sep 19 2004 at 10:17 AM said:
mattmagoo did Pintsized and isn't a guru yet mr Mark did GPmag(can't remember the actual name, sorry mark) and hes a guru, don't take that off mark because mark helps all the time.

reasons i dotn have a Guru badge

a.) I am an arse hole
b.) Most of the time i'm on the itnernet im having a wank so i cant be arsed to help people
c.) Mark did a lot of the work for my magazine
d.) When I do help people i get bored of helping them and 'loose contact' with them
e.) Pintsized was shit
f.) I dont like people
g.) WHY?!?
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mattmagoo posted on Sep 19 2004 at 08:57 PM said:
xboxit posted on Sep 19 2004 at 10:17 AM said:
mattmagoo did Pintsized and isn't a guru yet mr Mark did GPmag(can't remember the actual name, sorry mark) and hes a guru, don't take that off mark because mark helps all the time.

reasons i dotn have a Guru badge

a.) I am an arse hole
b.) Most of the time i'm on the itnernet im having a wank so i cant be arsed to help people
c.) Mark did a lot of the work for my magazine
d.) When I do help people i get bored of helping them and 'loose contact' with them
e.) Pintsized was shit
f.) I dont like people
g.) WHY?!?
You are going to make another issue right?
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bringoutthegimp posted on Sep 19 2004 at 12:36 PM said:
nerdfest. i also fail to see how that "gmail love" thing is remotely funny. this board is being over run by idiots

Anyone who stays on this board for more then 3 months is a nerd, male or female - the reason being is that 99% of the topics are nerdy.
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Just you guys wait i predict a drastic change in society when the Techno age hits us where all nerds become "cool" i mean think about its bound to happen even if it takes a long long time.

If only nerds were more sociably other than in internet forum irc type ways :P we will then see the era of nerds within a decade hmmm
EvilDragon posted on Sep 19 2004 at 10:00 AM said:
The guru badge is for people who REALLY do know the GP32 and are HELPFUL to the people here.
So you don't need to be a dev, but it's mostly devs who DO know the GP32 and ARE helpful.

If you are helpful without being a dev, you'll become one.
If you are a dev but aren't helpful, you won't become one.

It's that easy.

Ahh, I thought if you dev'd your become a guru, didnt know that you had to be helpful as well. I understand why JyCet isn't a guru now. ;)
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please give sam fisher this

he just wants to be included
