Sensible Soccer ? Pah!!!!!


May 12, 2003
reading thro this forum i see everybody moaning about not being able to play sensible soccer...............

Your all crazy!!!

Dont anyone remember Kick Off 2 - by far THE best footy game ever on any system

I`ve been playing it r 10 years and still havent mastered it
jlebrech posted on May 29 2003 said:
sensi for sms is fine for me.
that's got to be the worst version ever! it wasn't even programmed by Sensible themselves?!

ps: Kick off 2 is good, you can even get GOAL! (Kick off 3) but they don;t hold a candle to Sensi!
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stickofjoy posted on May 29 2003 said:
jlebrech posted on May 29 2003 said:
sensi for sms is fine for me.
that's got to be the worst version ever! it wasn't even programmed by Sensible themselves?!

ps: Kick off 2 is good, you can even get GOAL! (Kick off 3) but they don;t hold a candle to Sensi!
Agree 100%, you aint played no soccer game till you play Sensi on the AtariST (taking into account of GP32 emus only)

tho SWOS on the Amiga is 100x better than that :P
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timeslip posted on May 29 2003 said:
reading thro this forum i see everybody moaning about not being able to play sensible soccer...............

Your all crazy!!!

Dont anyone remember Kick Off 2 - by far THE best footy game ever on any system

I`ve been playing it r 10 years and still havent mastered it
Ha, ha, ha! That's a good one!

(That was a joke right?)
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All sensible soccer is, is a ripp off of kick off 2 - sensi said it themselves when it was released - just not as playable,fast or skillfull

Kick Off 2 Kicks ass!

So there
timeslip posted on May 29 2003 said:
All sensible soccer is, is a ripp off of kick off 2 - sensi said it themselves when it was released - just not as playable,fast or skillfull

Kick Off 2 Kicks ass!

So there
Man this reminds me of the exact same arguments i had when i was 15, so good, im truly back in the good 'ol days noo :D
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timeslip posted on May 29 2003 said:
All sensible soccer is, is a ripp off of kick off 2 - sensi said it themselves when it was released - just not as playable,fast or skillfull

Kick Off 2 Kicks ass!

So there
They are both soccer games, Sensi seen that Kick Off 2 was mising something (namely the football "feel") and they improved on it. Being able to see more of the pitch allows for some amazing football play. And it's just as fast as KO2, but it's drawn on a different scale.


I played both extensively - I suggest you do now that we've all grown up! ;)

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timeslip posted on May 29 2003 said:
All sensible soccer is, is a ripp off of kick off 2 - sensi said it themselves when it was released - just not as playable,fast or skillfull

Kick Off 2 Kicks ass!

So there
Actually they're both a rip-off of Tehkan World Cup

Though Sensible Software did make a little game called Microprose Soccer before Anco made Kick Off.

So there!
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I prefered Sensi as it was easier to be good at it, but once mastered then Kick Off was also a kiss a$$ game

Still in morning over the Play-off massacre :(

i was hopin the blades would do it but only because i wanted to see neil warnock(fergie in disguise) chin arsewipe wenger pure class
Is Warnock the first manager to be sent off in Play-off history, at least we may win that award ;)

Bla bla bla, I dissagree w/ all of you, soccer games are just boring :ph34r: But I could impress my GBA loving friends w/ a soccer game...
rcx21000 posted on May 30 2003 said:
Bla bla bla, I dissagree w/ all of you, soccer games are just boring :ph34r: But I could impress my GBA loving friends w/ a soccer game...
have u actually played Sensi??? :blink: im not a soccer game fan myself, but this was a lotta fun :P
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