Virgin Play Mail-bombing (gp32spain,gp32x...)

Will you join the mail-bombing event to VIRGIN PLAY

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Still Fresh
Jun 28, 2004
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My I´m fagotero and I´m going to ask you if you will do "mail-bombing", like sending e-mails, create posts in the VIRGIN PLAY forum, we are making in a poll about that, and for now, it seems that EVERBODY it´s gonna do it.

The reason for mail-bombing, translate ASR into english.

For now, there´re no more questions, if you would like to help us, only tell us, and we will say the day and at what time this will happen.

See you!
Well, the title of the post isn´t good, sorry for that.

We are not going to send mails saying, fucko** virgin an all **** and..........NO

It´s as simple as sending one or two mails per person asking if they will do the translation or not, and if not, why¿?

And I repeat, "mail-bombing" wont be a hacking mode, or something like, it will be a peaceful thing.

And sorry for the title of the post.

See you!
It will probably just anoy them and slow down there response time to people that have different questions

Stupid idea in my opinion <_<
We know that Virgin won't do anything, but anyway, we want to annoy virgin cause they don't do anything about gp32, there are some really good games without a translation, and that's the reason of that. Maybe you don't want to do anything, but you should know that virgin had only distributed this console in Spain, Portugal and Italia, so i think you should be angry...
Virgin Play doesnt have anything with ASR. The problem is Gamepark is not cooperating with ASR development team anymore. SO they can't translate it as nobody beside Sonnori (ASR creators) has acces to scripts/tools/ etc. For Sonnori GP32 is a closed subject, so forget about ASR in english. No chance!
"stupid child..." "This seems like terrorism"...
this seems like the wrong forum <_<
joder con los guiris mamones, no es una ideaestupida sois unos mascachapas cagones, a ver quien os traduce esto.

Is a great idea to reach de get of ASR.

good idea, i will do it.
Fag. How would you like it if all the Virgin Play Staff Message Bombed your Email accounts ??
Hay q joderse con los putos guiris, pos si no os parece una buena idea, decir otra, panda de estupidos. :P en lugar de criticarla.

A ver si aprendemos español q pareceis mu cortitos.

Now in English: Learn spanish

Someone comes up wityh a stupid idea which has a small chance of working, and more chance in pissing them off.... Then Hando points out it aint gonna happen, so that means there is no point. So why dont we all act like normal people and stfu. :)

Have a nice day :)
Nice forum. Can't you just say "i disagree with you" instead flaming fagotero in a non-democratic way? I'm disappointed with your bad manners, guys. :blink:
If you want anithing you should try to get it.
WE have to do something to try to have ASR in english... and if each user emails Virgin that seems a good idea. Then Virgin would see we are a lot of people wo want ASR.
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