Fgb32 Splash Background Suggestions


Apr 11, 2003
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Doing my latest splash screen for Rlyeh which is for his Game Boy Colour emulator fGB32 and right now it looks like this:

The problem is that whilst the Super Mario Bros is very evocative of Nintendo its not very appealing to the eye.

So could any GBC fans suggest a better background to use from one its games? Just that Im not much of an expert on the platform thats all.

Any help would be appreciated by both me and Rlyeh! :)
I think something based on the original box art of the 1989 gameboy would be awesome.


EDIT: Changed the image to better reflect the idea :)


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If you want to stick with the pattern of fgen then that's a cool splash yeah :D. If not then lizard808uk's idea with the blue strip glowing writing etc would be sweet.

Edit: Worst spelling ever.
This looks very NES to me, maybe something reminiscent of the original Gameboy, based around Tetris perhaps or Super Mario Land - basically the monochrome palette and distinctive look of the early Gameboy stuff? Or even the box art as suggested...

Yes, I agree that the background makes it look too NES-like. Perhaps something from something like Wario Land 2 might be better. But I really like the idea of basing it on the original box-art, as that kicked arse.
the box art is a cool idea - I'd definatually stick in some monocrome character if not a Super Gameboy would be great for taking screen shots since it loads color games (unfortunatly my SNES isn't here ATM or I'd help with some pics). Also the Gameboy Color was heavy in Pokemon games :blink:
Thanks for the replies so far. Keep em coming tho!

This is the thing with SMB, it is very NES orientated. Maybe if N had updated it for the GBC like they did with Mario All Stars on the SNES then perhaps this wouldnt be much of a problem.

The Box art idea sounds interesting, but Im not sure whether its Rlyeh 'thing' as he likes the group shots for his emulator splash screens. I could always ask him mind judging by how many people here liked the idea.

Equally I recall we agreed that mixing the GB with the GBC characters might look a little odd. It would have to be one or the other.

The Super Gameboy suggestion sounds interesting, or simply getting pics from a GBC forcing colour on a GB game. Which emulators can do this?

Kirbys Dreamland is a good suggestion visually, but isnt it a NES game? Only colour Kirby game is Tilt N Tumble as far as i can see. Warioland is a good one tho. Ill definitely take a look into that - any bit out of 2 or 3 that you recommend mr twit?
Fundamentally GB monocrome colors splashscreen (i.e. 4 color tones, instead of 56 GBC colors) and games characters/elements of Tetris, Super Mario Land, Paperboy and... Why not Kirbys?... i.e. old classics GameBoy games.

Finally, to incorporate to the splashscreen a small sample with representative GBC games elements/characters, but without abusing...

This is my suggestion... :-)


- Wonder Boy -

EDIT: NO to include Super Mario Bros Deluxe because it suggests NINTENDO... and no.
As I say above, Super Mario Land Yeah ;-)
Why not use the most prominent game for the GB and GBC? Pokémon!
Antiriad posted on Sep 4 2004 at 10:11 AM said:
This is the thing with SMB, it is very NES orientated. Maybe if N had updated it for the GBC like they did with Mario All Stars on the SNES then perhaps this wouldnt be much of a problem.

You mean Super Mario Deluxe? It is SMB for the GBC but with a few added features, such as saving and a zoomed screen compared to the original, so it is more visible on the small GBC screen.
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well, I guess its pretty hard to choose a Splashcreen for a monotone console. You know, a black and white splash wouldn´t look good. but if you make them colored, they´ll be to close to NES. So what we would need, is characters of games, that weren´t released on the NES (for example Wario). As for a Background, why not take A sceene of Kirby´s Dreamland 2 (you know, the landscape)? It has a special SGB Palette, so that wouldn´t look bad. But IMO the best opinon would really be the Boxshot. When lizzard posted the boxshot, i totaly could recall the feeling i first took out my GB and firing it up. And to connect felings like theese to fGB would be sweet.
I say go for the games popular in the big stages in Gameboy's development (pre-GBA of course).

1) The feature title of the Gameboy Mono was the legendary Tetris.

2) Around the time the Gameboy Pocket was released, Super Mario Land 2 and Link's Awakening were prominent.

3) Pokemon really started becoming a mass-mania event around the time the Gameboy Colour was released.

So, in my opinion, these four games should be spotlighted: Tetris (B&W), Super Mario Land 2 (B&W), Link's Awakening (B&W), and Pokemon (Colour). As well, perhaps one or two pics from Tetris DX, Super Mario Land 2 (Colour), and Link's Awakening DX.
Game & Watch collection games have some very nice backgrounds !
Visual Boy Advance doesn't let you set Super Gameboy colors but it does let you select to use Gameboy(more of a Gameboy pocket look not the original) or "Real Colors" (Black and white instead or black and grey)... Least it should help with some screen shot :D