GP32 The Notorious Freelauncher :)

  • Thread starter Thread starter TelcoLou
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Well folks, as requested by generalnmx in my other topic:

Freelauncher topic

Attached is my Freelauncher program, the same one I downloaded from Gamepark's English registration/download page.
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Thanks for that helpful post, Diablo2.

Post the Freelauncher app in question in Code Discussion and someone will test its validity.

^ requested by generalnmx. <_<
I can say for sure it doesn't work on my gp32...
(have you tried comparing the two of your's PDUID? maybe Gamepark ran out of PDUID's and had to start doubling them...)
Hooka posted on Aug 25 2004 at 03:26 AM said:
I can say for sure it doesn't work on my gp32...
(have you tried comparing the two of your's PDUID? maybe Gamepark ran out of PDUID's and had to start doubling them...)
There are duplicate PDUID's out there but it seems unlikely that you and your friend would get the same one. Especially since you purchased so far apart.

Are you sure your friend just doesn't have a BLU that does not require the free launcher?
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Dalto posted on Aug 25 2004 at 04:32 AM said:
Hooka posted on Aug 25 2004 at 03:26 AM said:
I can say for sure it doesn't work on my gp32...
(have you tried comparing the two of your's PDUID? maybe Gamepark ran out of PDUID's and had to start doubling them...)
There are duplicate PDUID's out there but it seems unlikely that you and your friend would get the same one. Especially since you purchased so far apart.

Are you sure your friend just doesn't have a BLU that does not require the free launcher?

Positive. He bought a regular, non-FLU. Mr Spiv, in the other topic, said there were plenty of GP32s with identical PDUIDs.
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and you are sure, he doesn´t have the blue-white FW with the options "play" and "PC-Link"? Only the yellow FW with "Game" "PC-Link" and "MP3" need freelauncher.
I'm as positive as I can be, going only on his word. He has the original firmware, that shows that crazy screen written in Korean every time you open an .FXE
I can answer this. Yes I am positive my gp32 is not a blu. Its a "traditional" not lit in anyway gp32 that has all three options: Game - PC Link - MP3. At the launch menu.

Im guessing that the newer versions, with only two options, doesnt need the freelauncher, right?
TelcoLou posted on Aug 26 2004 at 12:56 AM said:
I'm as positive as I can be, going only on his word. He has the original firmware, that shows that crazy screen written in Korean every time you open an .FXE

well, that box with the korean text belongs to freelauncher, but if you say, you have the yellow FW, then you probably have the same PDUID, or freelauncher is really not encrypted at all.
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Firmware. I think "BIOS" could be used here as a synonym, no? (or perhaps, operating system?)
no, FW is the Firmware.

the OS of the GP32 is actually divided into 2 parts:


and the Firmware

The BIOS contains the actuall functions of the OS

The Firmware is something like a shell, which alows you to ACCESS these functions.

well, that´s the way the things SHOULD be called. But everyone just calls everything FW/BIOS/OS.
Well, actually, the GP32 has *no* OS.
The firmware is divided into bios and launcher (or similar apps like pc link). The Bios doesn't contain any OS functions, OS functions would be process and memory management and the like.
Yesterday I tried to download the freelauncher but gp32x was being worked. so today I dowloaded the freelauncher and tried to install it on my gp32 FLU. but it said there was an error. should I reformat my smc? :blink:
kuriboh posted on Aug 26 2004 at 05:46 PM said:
Yesterday I tried to download the freelauncher but gp32x was being worked. so today I dowloaded the freelauncher and tried to install it on my gp32 FLU. but it said there was an error. should I reformat my smc? :blink:

Try Searching Edonkey2000 for a Hacked version of the firmware.
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kuriboh posted on Aug 26 2004 at 05:46 PM said:
Yesterday I tried to download the freelauncher but gp32x was being worked. so today I dowloaded the freelauncher and tried to install it on my gp32 FLU. but it said there was an error. should I reformat my smc? :blink:
You should download the one for your own GP32 on, but if you mean this one it shouldn't be working on your GP anyway :) ... (if you tried this one and got a message then something's gone wrong, I think. Normally it finds the Free Launcher, but you can't start it. Correct me if I'm wrong, but thats what happened to me...).
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When I tried to install the freelauncher it started to install but a quarter of the way through it said there was an error. :unsure: And another thing is how do I download the free launcher from