Dlwd-zine Issue 1 Is Out!!!!!!!!!


Aug 4, 2004
yes another gp32 fanzine is out.
It is made by me and dwaRRior.
This is our first issue and we want to make a monthly issue so this is the August issue

check out DLWD-zine home to download it.
please post your comments here and contact me if you want to write articles for the second issue (Sebtember issue). The download may be slow cus the host is bad so if someone wants to host our issue contact me at F1re_Blade@hotmail.
very nice, a few spelling/punctuation errors

I found the Doom .wad reviews very useful.

m glad to see that synkro is still owrking in vertical!
Where does it say Synkro is still working on Vertical? If he was I would be the happiest girl in the world!

P.S. KOF 91 is not part of the King of Fighters series. It is a fighting engine a la MUGEN and is not made by SNK. It began development in 1998 not 1991.

P.P.S Vertical is not the only vertical shooter for the GP32

P.P.P.S fGen32 is not very compatible, if a rom doesn't work it's likely because it is uncompatible with fdave's cyclone core or the lack of z80 emulation and not because of a bad rom.
Synkro's still working on Vertical!!?!?!? + !
Where does it say that? What I read was 'if he continues working on this game...'

(please note: I'm not saying synkro isn't still working on vertical, I'm just saying that this magazine doesn't claim he is)
@ Deleted User : nice to hear you like it :)
@ davey G : sounds that I was lucky with my roms, tried 26 and only 1 didn't work.

Edit: and with our 3.3mbps connection and 100+ gig HDD we didn't thought the size would be a problem XD. Sorry about that.
thx for the great feedback

@ woogal: thx for clearing that vertical problem up.
@ davey g: the screenshots aren't always ours because we just started and don't know how to make .smc files with that program of firefly and geepee 32 is just fucking laggy and slow, i would have made better screens of vertical like level 2-3 but it freezes up.

the second issue will probably come out near the end of September because we both have school (we are in the same class :D ) but we will try to keep our magazine monthly.

also if you want to write an article we would be more than happy to put it in our magazine, just pm, email or talk to me on msn messenger. F1re_Blade@hotmail.com

ps: if someone knows how to make our magazine smaller or wants to host it, just contact me.
woogal posted on Aug 23 2004 at 03:43 PM said:
26meg for 22 pages!?! I think your pdf creator is going wrong somewhere.
Yeah, basically, I can't read it, because each page needs about 1 minute to render completely everytime i scroll down a bit in acroread for linux. Oh, and it freezes XPDF when switching to next page. ;)
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Pretty heavy file to load, but like I said, with our uber gamepc's we never had any problems. Downloads in 20 seconds and opens/renders in 2 sec :D .
We'll fix it in the next issue and bring it down to 3-4meg zipped like the other mags. And I will try to pay more attention when I write, because I reread the whole issue and damn I suck in English . :blink:
Ah, maby i made a mistake. in the review it says

In the todo list is...

and lists stuff.

I thought it indicated that hes still working on it.

Mby hes abandoned it :(