3v Power Suply

Well if i were to try it and the polarity was wrong the it should just be like putting the batteries in back wards and just wont turn on. Or it would blow up :P .

Not sure if the gp32 has any internal protection against reverse polarity probably just best not trying it anyway :P
He said he believes its reverse polarity. So if he bought a polarity switcher and used it it could be the wrong polarity anyway.
It pumps out exactly 300mA so good that way. I'm just unsure of the polarity.
All right i just looked at it again and the neitive is the out side and the positive is the in side. Now look at ur gp32s where the ac adapter port is and do u c some right ing that looks like this (-)-(~-(+)
~ is a dot but there is no dot thing that is in the middle of the air on a key board <_< . just tell me if it look symolor to that and if u can post a pic it would be help full :P .

All right dissregard all that stuff i asked u people to do ;) i did so googleing and found out that yes the polirity is oppsit the gbc adapter :angry: so like generalnmx said if u want to use it u will need a polirity switcher <_< .

dude, just cut the wire and splice it bac backwards
nigger-rig it, thats what i do
( sorry if I ofend anyone, but a black guy actually taught me the phrase )

From what I've read (not tried is though ;)) using DC adapter with wrong polarity will fry you GP32. I've seen several of them in eBay. At least it's said that they are still good for LCD replacement.

SvOlli posted on Aug 23 2004 at 01:24 AM said:
From what I've read (not tried is though ;)) using DC adapter with wrong polarity will fry you GP32. I've seen several of them in eBay. At least it's said that they are still good for LCD replacement.

Well, it might be because I used different voltage, but my GP32 didn't get messed up the 8+ times I turned it on with the wrong polarity and 4.5v.
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