Megadive Emulators

Horscht posted on Aug 18 2004 at 07:18 PM said:
bad thing is: gigaDrive doesn´t support zipped roms!
and we cannot map buttons as we want :(
btw does someone have news about this project??
is it still active??
honnestly I'm playing most of time with GigaDrive coz the compatibility list is really longer (at less in games I love to play :P) !
& it near run Sensible Soccer (lol near coz it start well except after you have choose your team/player & want to start match it crash lol)
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does anyone think that i'm a complete moron? Or are we not allowed to talk/post these types things on this board? If so, email me!
Mr. Spank posted on Aug 18 2004 at 04:18 PM said:
(rom whoring removed)
Board Rules for GP32Xtreme Boards said:
ROM/Warez Policy

To summarize the ROM/Warez policy for posting on our boards:

What you can do

- You can discuss your ownership of such games. We all have roms, how else would we use the emulators? There's no problem with that.

What you CANNOT do

- You can't discuss how or where you got these roms. In an ideal world they'd all be dumps of real cartridges. Perhaps you previously owned them, so there's a moral backing. It is of no concern to us where you got them, so don't mention it.

- You can't ask for ROMs or pirated games. Simple as that. Under the above rule nobody can tell you anyway, except via PM. And none of us want GP32X's boards to become full of ROM requests. So all such threads will be locked and their posters dealt with. *laughs maniacally*
Read the rules, please. The only thing in your post that was following the rules was the second sentence. The first and last sentences should never be posted on these boards.
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Understand that asking for ROMs is not going to get us in trouble if people answer in PMs or emails. However, it does piss a lot of people off. Nobody wants to surf through rom requests, plus the legal ground could get shaky, so we rule them out completely. Don't do it again please.

Now we return to the regular conversation...
Wolfsclaw posted on Aug 18 2004 at 06:47 PM said:
fgen32 has gamma control, animated savestates, sound and much more ;)

But GigaDrive is open source and portable ;-)
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hehehe yes, yes it is, but i rather save space on my smc with zip support instead of a bit higher compability :P (of course you, gigadrive and your 68k core rule anyway dave B) )
mattmagoo posted on Aug 19 2004 at 08:55 PM said:
fdave posted on Aug 19 2004 at 02:43 PM said:
Wolfsclaw posted on Aug 18 2004 at 06:47 PM said:
fgen32 has gamma control, animated savestates, sound and much more ;)

But GigaDrive is open source and portable ;-)
arent both portable?
Zoom. Right over.
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mattmagoo posted on Aug 19 2004 at 07:55 PM said:
fdave posted on Aug 19 2004 at 02:43 PM said:
Wolfsclaw posted on Aug 18 2004 at 06:47 PM said:
fgen32 has gamma control, animated savestates, sound and much more  ;)

But GigaDrive is open source and portable ;-)
arent both portable?

Sort of. fGen32 is a port of Genesis Plus, a portable emulator by Charles MacDonald (who is a genius by the way!!), but with a LOT of stuff added by Ryleh. If you wanted to port fGen32 to say Pocket PC or Zodiac, you'd probably have to redo all Ryleh's work to get it up to speed, because fGen32 isn't open source (afaik).

With GigaDrive on the other hand, if you say wanted Zip support right now and had a lot of time on your hands, you could just grab it, add it in and recompile it ;-)

Same with something like netplay, it would be fairly straightforward, if you had the time and skills, to tweak the source code

That's why I love having stuff open source - yeah it's a bit of hassle uploading the source code, but the gains are massive. For example look at FB and FBA - there's no way I could have added all the drivers and netplay and ported to Xbox that those guys did, but because it was open source they could pick it up and add loads of stuff to it. E.g - Kaillera!!

Now best of all I get to play FBA-XXX on my Xbox - and it's great, because the thing has come full circle... 3years ago I put some CPS2 emu source code into the emu scene... now 3 years later I am the user playing CPS2 on my Xbox... and it's fast and great, but someone else has done all the work of fixing all the problems, adding all the romsets and porting it to the Xbox!!! :D

So I can highly recommend releasing your source code whereever possible!
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is it possible to fill us in on how big a job it will be implementing full sound on Gigadrive/FGen? Is it feasible to expect a full-sound GP32 Megadrive emulator at a reasonable frame-skip? Thanks!
ste_167 posted on Aug 20 2004 at 08:13 AM said:
is it possible to fill us in on how big a job it will be implementing full sound on Gigadrive/FGen? Is it feasible to expect a full-sound GP32 Megadrive emulator at a reasonable frame-skip? Thanks!

that's a very tricky question to answer as it largely depends on the skill of the programmer who writes it... and how must free time he/she has ;-)

But I would say probably yes at some point with frame skip 1... If you think about it though by that time though I bet GP32 with 300 mhz cpus and 50 hour battery life will be standard so it'll be a non-issue!
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