Best Value Alcohol

For good drunken fun, I'd say playing centurian with the cheapest larger/cider with a decently high % rating.

For those who don't know what centurian is, down a shot of whatever your beverage every minute. It sounds easy, only a shot. Try keeping at it for a decent length of time and see where that gets you. It's a lot an hour compared to what I'd usually drink :P.
Lol.. classic sam.. I drank 50% of a bottle, 6 cans of fosters and uarter of a bottle of lamvino then was sick in a friends garden, then carried to a taxi pulling my friend and her sister to the ground.
I hear you Rico. It's one reason I rarely drink; last time I did I was buying double and triple jacks straight, although I barely remember it.

Cost me about 40 quid for the night-I was gutted. Some people might spend double that..but eh. I feel robbed.
I usually average £25 but I'm quite protective about my cash. I refuse to be a fool! Of course I end up spending more when Route 66 have their '66p a shot' promotions... not good.

My friend is a semi-alcoholic in that he only drinks excessively when going out, else he doesn't touch a drop... spent £90 last time he went out. I fortunately didn't go :) because I wouldn't want to be the one dragging his drunk ass to the taxi like last time... *mutters to self*

No seriously, please don't get yourself a reputation for being an easy target for free drinks, because people will start using you. Most girls want equality, so let them start by buying their own f$%£ing drinks :)
I dont drink that often - and when I do, its no longer to the excesses that uni dictated, but now down to what I like.

Kronenburg imho is the most foul thing on earth..

For me it has to be Belgium Beer, it can be pricey though, but I plan it. Belgium beer is great - most of the stuff is a cross between larger and beer. I hate guinness with a passion, I liken it to burnt toast soup.

Swedish Beer.... horrible expensive stuff. In Sweden anything over 3% is classed as strong and heavily taxed. Last time I went to Sweden all my mates out there asked me to bring some proper Beer over.

Back in the first year of uni Grolsh could be bought in Aldi and Lidlle... but now its popular, and as a result its twice the price...

Best deal I had was on a pallette of 96 cans of some obscure Welsh Bitter.. it was horrible, but they were selling it cheap as it was the sell by date. As I was the last customer in he left me have the lot for £1 - (he would have only thrown it out).
I found a new creation for drinkin which i found quite nice, take a pint glass and a bottle of wine of your choice, qaurter fill the pint glass with wine and then fille the rest of the glass with coke. Probably been done befor i wouldnt do it with expensive wine only the cheap stuff tis quite a nice combo i think.
Bobsonsirjonny posted on Aug 2 2004 at 02:49 PM said:
Kronenburg imho is the most foul thing on earth.
I actually read this just as a was drinking a Kronenbourg

its not that bad (nicer than Stella) and it take away the paint for the arm I burnt on the oven rack whilst drunk

BTW Mark, it has got worse, more red, more shiny and a fuck lot more painful
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Ernest posted on Aug 2 2004 at 05:21 PM said:
I found a new creation for drinkin which i found quite nice, take a pint glass and a bottle of wine of your choice, qaurter fill the pint glass with wine and then fille the rest of the glass with coke. Probably been done befor i wouldnt do it with expensive wine only the cheap stuff tis quite a nice combo i think.
what the fuck?!?!

that sounds fucking horrible!
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spray posted on Aug 2 2004 at 05:45 PM said:
mattmagoo posted on Aug 2 2004 at 05:28 PM said:
BTW Mark, it has got worse, more red, more shiny and a fuck lot more painful
i'm intrigued
i had a bit to drink and i burnt my arm on the shelf of the oven whilst trying to retreve a pizza

I scanned in a picture of my arm to Mark

but in the few hours since i sent it to him it has gotten a whole load worse

and i want my mummy
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