Best Value Alcohol


Jan 1, 2004
Anyways whats the best value alcohol you have ever got... mine is probably Lambosso (7.5% volume @ 1.5litres for 1 pound 25).

And I got offered a litre of vodka for 4 quid today by some guy, didnt have any money tho :(
I used to be able to get VK's for 99p a bottle on monday nights. I used to down three at a time... many a time being sick on them. On my mates birthday I hadnt eaten all day (I went through a phase of not eating for days) and I downed 3 then a vodka, then another three. Then was sick, then got another 3 :blink: There was something wrong with my ancle so it took me half an hour to get home instead of the usual 10 :(

Dont drink alcopops much anymore; only if im with someone or im sharing one.
finty101 posted on Aug 1 2004 at 05:44 PM said:
Mmmm...I only ever buy Red Square or Smirnoff black Ice.
Me too, except WKD Blue as well.

As for shots... Dooley's or Absinthes, sometimes Apple Sours because they don't taste rank like Absinthe does, or Aftershock for that matter.

As for non-alcopops... would you believe vodka & red bull? Or vodka & coke, or JD & coke. Or just JD.
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I drink:

- Fosters
- Carling, not a big fan but its cheap
- Sometimes other inferior beers
- Vodka (I prefer with mixer but usually just down the stuff straight) Vodwine is cool.. a few shots of vodka in the wine :).
- Absinthe... ugh, tastes like shit >55%vol tho
- Golshlager - Gets you drunk extremely quick, hello my pond.
- VK Apple
- I used to do other alcopops but they hurt ur teeth after >10 (I Usually down em in a few secs aswell so usually get a beer with one)
- Wine
- Lamvino/ Lambosso/ Other Cheap shit
Harp is ok.. they sell it near the college I went to... used to drink a few bottles a day.

"Drink Harp Stay Sharp" <-- we used to ponder this every lunch.

Also u can buy 24 harps for 12 quid at Bargain Booze (although u can buy 24 cans of Fosters for the same price so bleh)

Baileys doesent count as a shot drink does it cause I drink that like Milkshake lol.
Rico posted on Aug 1 2004 at 05:53 PM said:
finty101 posted on Aug 1 2004 at 05:44 PM said:
Mmmm...I only ever buy Red Square or Smirnoff black Ice.
Me too, except WKD Blue as well.

As for shots... Dooley's or Absinthes, sometimes Apple Sours because they don't taste rank like Absinthe does, or Aftershock for that matter.

As for non-alcopops... would you believe vodka & red bull? Or vodka & coke, or JD & coke. Or just JD.
Me and my mate are known as the JD guys at a local bar :P.

We usually have a shot of jd (or jim bean if there isn't any) to finish off at a bar before we shift to the next one. Although last time I has some shit that you put into your mouth and light, then down it. Advice for anyone that tries this, keep your head tilted way back when you down it, or nose hairs get singed and you'll be smelling shit for the rest of the night.
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alcohol of choice at the moment:

double JD and coke, the classic!

bud, fosters or carlsberg

and a nice alcopop mix of blue wkd/blue demon and sminoff ice, gets you properly fucked!
Diesel is ok (note: I have never bought one of these for myself)

Cant stand carlsberg myself; maybe its the fact we used to get pissed off of it alot and I vommited it a hell of alot.
finty101 posted on Aug 1 2004 at 07:44 PM said:
I thought this was alco-pops <_<

Best value is Harp, cause its fucking lovely.
Harp is ok, although we had a few bad experiences getting warm bottles from our college local :(

Still it was 99p a bottle, Carling used to be cheaper at 1.89 a pint but they put that up :angry:
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Me and my friends live off "Sainsburys Finest Blend Whiskey" at uni, its paint stripper, well it WAS until I gradually began growing to like it :huh:

well maybe I just like the price tag...about £11 pounds for 1ltr, enough to get me and a good buddy pretty wasted :D
spray posted on Aug 1 2004 at 06:11 PM said:
double JD and coke, the classic!
Nah, while smashed once I began drinking triple JDs and cokes.... about £6.20 a glass, which is ridiculous!!

On a more affordable note, if I invite friend(s) over to play Gamecube or whatever, and we intend to get drunk as well, Moonshine Vodka is a good choice. It's like £2 a litre at Somerfield.
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Rico posted on Aug 1 2004 at 09:04 PM said:
spray posted on Aug 1 2004 at 06:11 PM said:
double JD and coke, the classic!
Nah, while smashed once I began drinking triple JDs and cokes.... about £6.20 a glass, which is ridiculous!!

On a more affordable note, if I invite friend(s) over to play Gamecube or whatever, and we intend to get drunk as well, Moonshine Vodka is a good choice. It's like £2 a litre at Somerfield.
looks for somerfield + hull on google :P
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