Worst Game System In History

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What do you think is the worst system in history

  • 1. Tiger Game.com

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2. Watara Supervision

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3. Atari 7800

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4. Atari Jaguar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5. Phillips CDI

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6. Nintendo Virtual Boy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7. Sega CD

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 8. Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Mark posted on Jul 30 2004 at 04:27 PM said:
thebluenewt posted on Jul 30 2004 at 05:13 PM said:
Aww, c'mon! 8%! Burn Cycle on the CDi was amazing! not to mention 7th Guest! the CDi had some great games

The only real problem with it was its unbelivable price!

7th Guest? Shoddy multimedia game that was on the PC anyway.

Unbelievably expensive and about 2 good games, ooh I'm off to get one!
Don't be to harsh, it had Hotel Mario.

and those "awesome" zelda games

I actually played Wand of Gamelon, obviously not a Ninty title
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finty101 posted on Jul 30 2004 at 12:44 PM said:
pubjoe posted on Jul 30 2004 at 08:40 PM said:
I'd say that Nintendo is the Apple of the console world.
Except Nintendo products have games.
mmm, thats pretty funny, except for the fact that, really, who buys a mac for games anyway? i dont like computer games really... but even if i did, there are still plenty of games for the mac, including a much stonger shareware scene.
pobjoe- good points, but i like apple becasue of a few different reasons: one, its got good applications, not something i can say for nintendo (ok maybe a few, but i really dont like games like SSB/M, 3D zeldas, any mario games except for Super Mario Land 2: Six golden coins).
i also like apple because they use open source standards, like UNIX for example. nintendo feels the need to "innovate" so they use shitty ass Mini-DVDs instead of a standard. you can argue that the Mac OS is not the standard OS, but sit down sometime and compare Windows XP to the Mac OS, which came out FIRST, and really, you'll notice the (stolen) similarities in Windows.
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Yeah well, how about you copy a shitty ass miniDVD and then copy a Playstation 2 DVD.... and what's so shitty about those DVDs? Small, handy, none ever broke for me.... I see no prblem with those and Nintndo has the security of, once again, no copies.
I need to buy a virtual boy. Its the only main nintendo console that had multiple games that I don't own :(.
finty101 posted on Jul 30 2004 at 08:34 PM said:
No, but he is saying that if you dont like any of the current consoles your a fanboy. Stupi Kid logic.
No he's not!

Anyone who says N64 is the worst system ever is a blatant fan boy. The same can be said about anyone who says it about Dreamcast, Xbox, Playstation.

He's not saying that you have to like those consoles, only that you can't fairly label them as the 'worst console ever'. And I for one think he's right :P
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finty101 posted on Jul 30 2004 at 03:34 PM said:
Dozer posted on Jul 30 2004 at 07:47 PM said:
finty101 posted on Jul 30 2004 at 07:12 PM said:
SephirothIce posted on Jul 30 2004 at 05:53 PM said:
Anyone who says N64 is the worst system ever is a blatant fan boy. The same can be said about anyone who says it about Dreamcast, Xbox, Playstation. There are very good games for all these systems and much worse consoles out there.
So were not allowed to dislike a console or we are branded fan boys? Great. How long did it take you to think that one through.
His point is it just blatantly isn't the worst system ever. It has some good games, while other consoles don't. Something like that isn't an oppinion in my oppinion ( :huh: ), it's a fact.

Edit: Bloody spelling.
No, but he is saying that if you dont like any of the current consoles your a fanboy. Stupi Kid logic.
Actually I was stating that all the said systems have good games. When there are clearly systems that don't have any good games. I think anything that makes it mainstream and becomes a household name has proven that it is not the worst system ever. And nintendo is short hand for video entertainment system by many people.

Also Super Nintendo kicks ass. Also you can call me whatever you want I am not a Nintendo Fanboy. I happen to like Xbox, PS2, and GC. I pretty much get all the systems so I am not partial to any of them.
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I haven't read all of this thread and I have not played on any of the consoles you can vote for here - however, the worst system I have ever owned is definately the ZX81. It had 1 KB of memory and could do almost nothing. However, at the time, it was pretty amazing to press a button and see a letter appear on the TV screen - a big thrill in 1981.
thecheat posted on Jul 30 2004 at 09:40 PM said:
mmm, thats pretty funny, except for the fact that, really, who buys a mac for games anyway? i dont like computer games really... but even if i did, there are still plenty of games for the mac, including a much stonger shareware scene.
pobjoe- good points, but i like apple becasue of a few different reasons: one, its got good applications, not something i can say for nintendo (ok maybe a few, but i really dont like games like SSB/M, 3D zeldas, any mario games except for Super Mario Land 2: Six golden coins).
i also like apple because they use open source standards, like UNIX for example. nintendo feels the need to "innovate" so they use shitty ass Mini-DVDs instead of a standard. you can argue that the Mac OS is not the standard OS, but sit down sometime and compare Windows XP to the Mac OS, which came out FIRST, and really, you'll notice the (stolen) similarities in Windows.
Yeah but the the very nature of the business means that Nintendo can't use open source as Nintendos customers are consumers. Whereas Macs are used for development.

And the mini DVD's are great: loads faster (data's all closer together), anti-piracy, more reliable.

..AAaand if you don't play computer games then your opinion is worthless.


...I rule B)

P.S. Joking
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The only way to pirate GC games right now is through setting up a lan from your PC to your GC using Phantasy Star Online. It streams the rom from your PC to your GC and it is very slow from what I have heard and isn't really worth all the trouble. Also I think they are starting to make some homebrew for the GC.
That's true. Also, eventhough MiniDVDs are available, you can not simply copy them because the GC reads them the wrong way round. More or less. Also, I think there's a lockout-chip.
I actually like the N64 because of 2 great games Super Mario 64 and Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. I also like Banjo Kazooie but not many people do :(.
Mosch posted on Jul 30 2004 at 09:12 PM said:
For worst system, I would vote.... I would say Sega Master System from those that I have played BUT only because I don't know most of those mentioned in the poll. I am sure there are much worse systems than SMS.
Ofcause I don't actually know which gamesystems you have, but I must say I myself was very impressed by the SMS... And this is actually comparing with the standard of is time, because I never really played it through anything else than emulation.
I'm seriosly impressed be it's graphics, since they seem way better that other 8-bit systems from the tim (NES and C64)... But I'm guessing you have point in the fact that the games-catalouge aren't quite as intresting as NES's... And the sound generally seem to give me a headache.
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Every single other system in that list has had at least one game that was pretty good on it. The game.com had nothing.

I originally voted for cdi, but I remembered that this had 1 or 2 pretty decent games for it.
Ringo posted on Jul 31 2004 at 10:41 AM said:
Mosch posted on Jul 30 2004 at 09:12 PM said:
For worst system, I would vote.... I would say Sega Master System from those that I have played BUT only because I don't know most of those mentioned in the poll. I am sure there are much worse systems than SMS.
Ofcause I don't actually know which gamesystems you have, but I must say I myself was very impressed by the SMS... And this is actually comparing with the standard of is time, because I never really played it through anything else than emulation.
I'm seriosly impressed be it's graphics, since they seem way better that other 8-bit systems from the tim (NES and C64)... But I'm guessing you have point in the fact that the games-catalouge aren't quite as intresting as NES's... And the sound generally seem to give me a headache.
Well, so far I have played SMS, Gameboy, Gameboy Avance, NES, SNES, Twin Famicom, N64, Gamecube, Virtual Boy, GameGear.... I'm sure there are some more, but well, my point is: Of those that I played, I think SMS is the worst. Don't know, the games were not my favourites and... somehow I didn't like the whole thing.
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Virtual Boy


I think it sucked.

How could it ever be considered a viable console? It's just a huge eye cover you have to stare into with a table in front of you.

Maybe it had good games, that's besides the point really. The system sucked.

I think a lot of the other systems I saw on were better than the VB. VB is prolly the worst idea Nintendo ever had for a 'portable'. Granted, I don't know if they ever really were trying to market as a portable, but it should'nt've shared part of the same name as the most successful portable game system ever. Even if they did make it also.
Azure posted on Jul 31 2004 at 09:24 PM said:
Virtual Boy - Too big and clunky. Game didn't look to good and it really gave you headaches.
No it didn't. If you set it up correctly, you will be in the clear. I played for 4 hours (with Auto Pause) and never felt a thing.

NSSOne: If you look at it like this, all the consoles are just boxes you plug into your TV. I don't see the point in complaining about the built-in display which was necessary for the 3D-effect (which in many games is great). But yeah, it was Nintendo's worst console idea for a portable, true. A designer said in an interview I read in a German magazine that you were actually supposed to balance the stand on your legs while sitting, the head Unit tilted backwards and you looking down into it. That was the way you were supposed to play on bus rides.... freaky :P
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