Ideal Quake Mod

i dunno what needs doing to it cos its got an id1 folder maybe gpquake is looking for absent textures. btw how long does it take to load the shareware quake?
did you check out 4d shooter? its on fileplanet tho

heres the mods website

when everyone was convinced that quake couldnt be done i wanted to show everyone this low poly mod so that someone made the quake engine, but now its there this mod could really speed up gpquake. and could make a happy mod maker, he could even buy a gp32. would be great to get these mods running on no_skill's version of GPquake. I've been playing through the first couple of levels on Quake on my GP32 using the second to smallest screensize and it runs nice and smooth, so I reckon a less graphically intensive Quake mod would work brilliantly.