Release RType Reloaded CPC


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is RType Reloaded, a remake of RType on CPC (128K)

This version comes pre-packaged with a modifed version of Arnold TNG (an Amstrad CPC Emulator). The modification are tailored to make the use of the PND as much Plug'n'Play as possible.
The game use SDL1.2 with omapdss for maximum speed.

Controls are:
DPad to move
{X} to fire
{B} to release/call pod.
F1 to reset the Game
F2/F3 to Save / Restore a Snapshot
F4 to Quit.

For more info on that freeware CPC remake of RType, you can go there (the page is in french, but it's very detailled).

History log

Build 01

  • Initial build

Incidentally, the Arnold TNG page I found via a search seems to suggest it plays Burnin' Rubber fine, which as far as I know is a CPC plus/GX4000 game only. The current CPC emulators on Pandora don't play GX4000 games that last time I tried, and I'd really like to be able to replay the CPC plus version of Pang!. So are you planning to make a general release of this emulator too?

Incidentally, the Arnold TNG page I found via a search seems to suggest it plays Burnin' Rubber fine, which as far as I know is a CPC plus/GX4000 game only. The current CPC emulators on Pandora don't play GX4000 games that last time I tried, and I'd really like to be able to replay the CPC plus version of Pang!. So are you planning to make a general release of this emulator too?
I wasn't, but I can think of something. The issue is, I had to disabled the GUI (done with GTK2), as it doesn't mix well with omapdss SDL or OpenGL (both renderer do works). But if a simple zenity file dialog is enough, I can package that modified Arnold TNG (keeping the simple save state shortcut and autorun stuff in)...
I don't know if you've ever used it, but the picklelauncher should be enough for most purposes I think. Just run everything as a CPC6128 plus and to the best of my knowledge that should run everything.

Actually, your port of Mupen64 uses picklelauncher still, doesn't it?

Edit: It'd be enough for launching games at least. Anyone wanting to emulate coding basic on an old Amstrad would have to use one of the pre-existing emulators then. Or maybe the picklelauncher could have a dummy item to launch into BASIC.

I dunno how this emulator gets launched with different game data types though. Cart games like Burnin' Rubber seem to come with a .cpr extension in my experience, while most other stuff is .dsk. I dunno if arnold will automatically determine these things, or if you need to pass parameters to it to help it along. And then most of my games are secondarily inside zips.

Edit2: Maybe a zenity dialogue on first run to select where you keep your roms might be nice though.
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I don't know what I was thinking there; there's no need for a special item to launch into BASIC, because any time you launch with a .dsk file installed it'll boot to BASIC and requires you to input command to run the game on the disk.

So, I finally got round to trying this out. Runs well, although to my mind it's rather a lot harder than the arcade version. But it's certainly an excellent conversion to the platform. And I found your method of autolaunching the disk file very elegant too!
Thanks. I haven't worked on the stand-alone version of ArnoldTNG yet, but I think I'll use an OpenGL version this time, to have access to the zoomin / zoomout feature. Because I don't want to use GTK, I have to find shurtcuts for all function, or create a menu using SDL/OpenGL for some in-game config (like change a disc for multi-disc game), so it will take time anyway.

I you enjoyed the CPC port, go visit the page I put on the 1st post (you may need some translation tools as it is in french). There are hints and cheat code (while cheat code are not mandatory to enjoy the game, there are also 2 hidden levels to play and some other easter eggs).

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