What's Your Most Played Game Atm?

Tales of Symphonia for Gamecube, but for the GP32, my most played game is RBI baseball 3 for NES
I dont have my gp32_console yet but when I get it:

The Phantasy Star series and Super Mario RPG!
Desert Combat - PC

Seiken Densetsu 3 - SNES (Spirit Sabre + Strength boost = 500HP off the bosses)

Fusoya's Demo World TLC - SNES (Stuck on Crystal Caverns Castle)

Mario Adventure - NES

Champ Manager - Castaway
Champ Man - Castaway
Aerobiz Supersonic - Snes
Mario World - Snes (damn 94 levels, where are the other two?)
PC- Raven Sheild, Joint Operations, Painkiller and True crime streets of LA

GP32 - fgb- GBC Metal Gear Solid. TOTALLY ROCKS!!!! Dragonball Z Card game.
fgen - um about 30 at a time :)