Phone Handset

Wow, they are really tiny. Were non-smart phones ever this small? I guess if you live in an area where cell phone theft is rampant these would be a good idea to use no matter what holds your sim card.

Here's another bluetooth handset. Costs about 150€ though.
Wow, if I owned that I would want to leave it on my shelf in the stand, not put it in my pocket and let it get destroyed. Not only because it is expensive but because it is really beautiful.
I want a communicator from the later period. Not sure if I would prefer TNG one or the style from after that (yes, I know TNG films used the other style, and another variation or two, I am too lazy to look up the years right now, though).
A geek's dream. One of mine at least.
Although disastrous for privacy while calling I guess ...
Based on what I have seen about how they are used, privacy won't matter. I think they are for official use only. Despite that, I expect they will frequently be used for arranging booty calls, perhaps thinly veiled as diplomatic missions and the like.
Based on what I have seen about how they are used contemporary society, privacy won't matter.

FTFY. ;)
I think they are for official use only. Despite that, I expect they will frequently be used for arranging booty calls, perhaps thinly veiled as diplomatic missions and the like.

I was talking about Kirk. Yet another reason the engineers are better: less likely to get space STDs. Of course if you have holodecks you can be like Barclay and LaForge (and Janeway (was she ever an engineer?), and probably others I don't recall at the moment) and just have relationships with fake people. Since androids are people too Yar doesn't make the list (and she was security...with a Klingon on board...).
'The impossibility of attaining real beings threw me into the regions of chimera, and seeing nothing in existence worthy of my delirium, I sought food for it in the ideal world, which my imagination quickly peopled with beings after my own heart.'
The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, book IX.

A (sad) reminder that relationships with fake people have existed long before modern engineering, or sci-fi shows.

And for @levi, who grasp french as a romantic language:

« L'impossibilité d'atteindre aux êtres réels me jeta dans le pays des chimères, et ne voyant rien d'existant digne de mon délire, je le nourris dans un monde idéal que mon imagination créatrice eut bientôt peuplé d'êtres selon mon cœur. »
Something I have learned from reading various translations of texts in languages I can't read is that translation and interpreting are not all that straightforward. I think there are at least three ways to translate:
1. A word for word dictionary type translation that isn't all rally all that valuable, and easily misses the point of what was said, and gives no indication of the tone and feel of the message. This is the kind of stuff you get from very poor translation software, where poetry and instructions sound about the same, and are often garbled.

2. The more academic translations where literal meaning is preserved. This is especially good when trying to extract some elements, say from myth. There is a trade-off, as the flavor can be dramatically changed, so heavy notes may be required to really understand a particular section of a piece.

3. I can't think of an appropriate term, so I will just call it artsy. The feel of a piece can be preserved, but you only get the gist of the original piece. Examples of this are translations of poetry that mostly follow the rules used with it in the original language, or those translations of Homer that try to sound fancy and aristocratic, and translations of Hesiod that try to sound more common, or even "country".

Actual linguists or professional translators can probably shed way more light on things like this than someone like me. We sometimes come across some difficulties around here based on things like differences in sentence structure, or different meaning/connotation of translated terms (Edit: see ED's Pyra news posts). Hell, English alone has so many variations that a phrase in a dialect or region may have no meaning in another...none of my immediate relatives are named Robert, and I don't understand why I am told otherwise, or what it has to do with most of the discussions where it comes up.;)
My french ain't all that, but I'd have thought 'nourishment' rather that 'food' would be a more fitting translation for that particular word there, at least poetically.

'Nourishment' has the same root as « nourrir », which is undeniably an advantage, being closer to the original word besides keeping the same meaning (according to the dictionnary I use). I wonder why the translator used 'I sought food' when 'I feed' (or 'I nourish') would have been enough && closer to the original ...

As @rygD explained more extensively, translation is hard for choices are to be made. Same thing occurs when writing laws or contracts: one must choose the words carefully; they could be misinterpreted, it would betray 'the spirit' of the text.

P.S: we are above off-topic, thread has been hijacked. ;=)

Since I feel somewhat guilty, I will RTN to mere OT with ST:TOS by wharmly recommending Star Trek Continues to evey fan reading this.

Then RTNing again, to topic this time, to brag about the handset I have purchased recently for my Pyra:


TCO: 1.5_€, including an iPad bluetooth keyboard 'as a bonus'. Some destocking shops do not know what they are selling.
could we sticky this thread please? This question has been asked by many before (including me, cause I'd love to use a handset dialer) and we should collect some links in a concentrated thread. Since this one actually has a descriptive topic name, I'd vote for this one to be stickied.

Here is some more links to similar devices from other related threads:

Banana phone:

@ible thanks for this, now I want one and will look even more ridiculous than people with huge phablets...

Samsung Pocket Talker: B0057WX864

EDIT: posting amazon links on here is a challenge... link gets crippled by that media amazon tag...

Note that many of these devices with a big brand name are meant to only work for their phones so I assume that there is some proprietary fuckery involved using horribly closed down apps and such. So those might look nice but not work as expected. The chinese models that can be used with a broader selection of bluetooth enabled devices will be most likely to work IMHO.

Dang, I know there were more links but I can't find them/be bothered to try a different search.
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[QUOTE="kabaiakh, post: 1420190, member: 65836"
Then RTNing again, to topic this time, to brag about the handset I have purchased recently for my Pyra:

View attachment 30893

TCO: 1.5_€, including an iPad bluetooth keyboard 'as a bonus'. Some destocking shops do not know what they are selling.[/QUOTE]
I guess I clipped out the ST thing. Well, the new official one is coming soon, supposedly. Sucks for US fans since the only legitimate way to watch it will be to subscribe to that streaming service it is exclusive to. I plan to use the free month at either the midseason break, or after the first season, so I can get a good chunk of it. While reading about it last week I made a, ahem, discovery that it was originally planned to bounce around in the core universe timeline every season (showing periods we have seen, and some we haven't...that is one hell of a way to leave your mark on the series), but they basically said "no, just do it normal first and we will see what happens". The other way would have been pretty interesting.

That handset is pretty nice looking, and more portable than the full size one I have. If I didn't have this requirement covered by a few things I already have I would want something like that.

I agree that this, or a similar thread, should be stickied (if it hasn't happened yet).