Can You Only Get 166 And Not 168?


Apr 13, 2004
Well recently lots of people have been posting that their BLUS are only getting 166 and not even 168. There was always the thing about 200mhz BLUS, but I think they are more scarce than at first suspected. Lets make a list of 166 only BLUS.

Mine is the first on the list I suppose.
I have a normal gp32 (no flu no blu) and it did 150, so I did the voltage mod, and now I can get 166, but if I go 168 it crashes instantly!

I think its wierd... :P
Kolkman posted on Jul 17 2004 at 07:21 AM said:
I got 200 with my FLU.

Good for you :P

But we're talking about BLU's, not FLU's.

Can you tell I'm jealous as my other 2 flu's (both modded) only go to 166 :D
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Yes please don't discuss Flus im trying to see if the Blus are less overclockable, because before it was believe that they were more.
I think there's definately something in this as my BLU won't go above 166 either, my old FLU did.

As the screen is sooo much better (and fluff doesn't get underneath!) I'm happy so long as they don't start making software which needs more than 166.

looks like FLUs are often higher clockable than BLUs.... gah, i want a 220mhz gp32 blu (with 32mb ram :ph34r: )

and non FLUs like mine are always the loosers <.< (only to 156 here)
Grumbleduke posted on Jul 17 2004 at 09:28 AM said:
It is as it happens,i mailed them this morning and await an answer.

I'm sure you'll have no problems whatsoever - they're always excellent - who knows, they might exchange it for a 180 mhz one :D

Nevertheless, it does bring into question GBAX's testing procedures when guaranteeing speed...
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Wolfsclaw posted on Jul 17 2004 at 10:27 AM said:
looks like FLUs are often higher clockable than BLUs.... gah, i want a 220mhz gp32 blu (with 32mb ram :ph34r: )

and non FLUs like mine are always the loosers <.< (only to 156 here)
My flu freezes at 160, 156 is fine but higher it won't go :(
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My BLU goes to 166Mhz and no more. :(
However, how many persons of those people cannot carry out a clockup even at 160Mhz. gp32_console