Blu Pre-orders At Lik-sang

Wow! Thats alot cheaper. Thanks for the heads up jegHegy. I was theinkin about ordering from here before since its cheaper than gbax, but damn its so much cheaper from Liksang! Btw- the customer service in the other place is fantastic. Import tax sucks though
a gp32 blu delivered in the UK from GBAX (after VAT) is £156.73.

so even if you get hit with import tax, its still gonna be cheaper from Lik sang.

btw- if you plan on ordering one from LikSang and are a new customer there, make sure you get there by following the link on's homepage. This way Hando gets some money for the site!
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While we're on the subject of Lik-sang their Payback system has finally introduced

for buying my GP32 alone I have gotten hold of a Donkey Kong figure, a famicom T-shirt and a GBASP case (which will be fixed to hold SMCs)
I have to say that price has tempted me to upgrade from a FLU.

I am going to see what i can get for my FLU
even including a 128mb SMC, UPS shipping, it's cheaper than GBAX for shipping to the UK £136.05. It would be a about £10 more expensive than a GBAX with SMC if you were hit with import tax.
I guess i'll have to offer a standard non-overclocked one for a lower price. No big deal, I just don't really think 133mhz randomness cuts it these days.

craigix posted on Jul 10 2004 at 05:01 PM said:
I guess i'll have to offer a standard non-overclocked one for a lower price. No big deal, I just don't really think 133mhz randomness cuts it these days.

Better yet, sell some 200Mhz ones instead.
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Hm, correct me plz if I'm wrong but arent there more 166Mhz gp32 Blu than 166Mhz gp32 Flu? My gp32 flu don't work at 166Mhz and quiet unstable at 156Mhz.. If i buy a new Gp32 Blu I would love to get a 166Mhz+ unit! Maybe worth the extra money at to be sure of getting one ?

Doesnt it cost alot in shipping from lik-sang to europe ? (I'm from Sweden)
How much is the importaxes?

Craig: do u send back the Gp32 Blu that don't work @ 166Mhz to gamepark or what? Im just curious :) And are there many gp32's that wont do 166Mhz ?

Thanks in advance

Edit: wtf is VAT? ôÔ
menion posted on Jul 10 2004 at 07:12 PM said:
Craig: do u send back the Gp32 Blu that don't work @ 166Mhz to gamepark or what? Im just curious :) And are there many gp32's that wont do 166Mhz ?

Thanks in advance

Edit: wtf is VAT? ôÔ
No they are just slightly modified (hardwarevise) to work at 166Mhz.

"VAT" = "Moms" in Swedish
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Remember guys cheaper doesent always equal better, like Craig said for a start youre just gonna get a bog standard 133mhz BLU, secondly I dont think you can beat the after sales service of GBAX.

I wonder how many of you will get a 2 day turnaround on sending back a faulty GP32 and receiving a brand new one from Lik Sang?
when ordering from lik sang , after placing your order , email them and ask them to reduce your import tax. they can lower to as much as 15% , i got my GP32 from them , and didnt pay a penny :D
Hey menion, I'm from Sweden too. And the shipment is really cheap. I have ordered 5 times but only used the lowest cost shipment.

Swedish: Om du beställer från lik-sang kan paketet fastna i tullen. Du kan skicak ett email om att du vill att "price tagen" ska vara högst 60$ då tror ja inte tullen tar paketet.

OM de gör det måste du betala en rätt så hög tull avgift + postförskott.
Azure posted on Jul 11 2004 at 12:15 AM said:
jmetal88 posted on Jul 10 2004 at 05:12 PM said:
Lik-Sang says they go at 166 mhz out of the box..... and that IS cheap.
Uh, no they don't: said:
Up to 166 MHz Clock Speed out-of-the-box
Most of GP32 Blu works at 166 mhz without any modifications. And few of them can be overclocked even higher. Lets say for example if we check about 40 pieces, two of them wont work at 166 mhz but also only three-four of them will go higher up to 192mhz . There rest will work without a problem at 166Mhz.
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the majority of normal GP32's (ie- standard and flu) can go to 166mhz and the percentage of BLU's that can is supposed to be even higher.
Doesn't the voltage mod save on batteries some too? I was just wondering because the name is VOLTAGE mod.
I've seen NO BLU's goto anything above 180mhz, one went to 184mhz but crashed after a while.

The overclocking ability seems about the same as the normal GP32 - I'd not be paying Kev (maltloaf) from these boards to over clock them to 166mhz if I didn't have to - and we have plenty of work for him.

You will find a lot of the BLU's will goto 150-166mhz out the box.... for about 5mins (maybe even 10mins) then crash - this is not good enough in my eyes, they must be able to go right upto *166mhz or above* and stay there until the batteries go flat :)

133mhz days should be over.

Azure posted on Jul 11 2004 at 12:15 AM said:
jmetal88 posted on Jul 10 2004 at 05:12 PM said:
Lik-Sang says they go at 166 mhz out of the box..... and that IS cheap.
Uh, no they don't: said:
Up to 166 MHz Clock Speed out-of-the-box
Uhm... You're contradicting yourself here. If says it exactly as your quote, they have to supply a GP32 which can reach up to 166MHz out-of-the-box...
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