

Still Fresh
Jul 9, 2004
Hi i was wondering if there was a manager for the GP32, so you can put your appointments in, add reminders and even a weekschedual?
cus i would find it realy usefull :P
that's a sweet idea, specially with a chatboard. I don't think there's is one though. Man I wish I could make one. Well give me a few weeks in these holidays and who knows. :P
although i hardly check that thread and i not that sure whats its about

but about the reminders
if you want something to remind you that you have do something in lets say an hour
gp32 cannot do this
because it does not have an internal clock
diablo2 posted on Jul 10 2004 at 09:43 PM said:
although i hardly check that thread and i not that sure whats its about

but about the reminders
if you want something to remind you that you have do something in lets say an hour
gp32 cannot do this
because it does not have an internal clock
This has been said before and the reply was that the gp32 could run at an extremely low speed. But still it's a little crazy. I don't know if there is one but a stopwatch or countdown timer would be a little more sensible if anyone needed it.
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A "stopwatch" is pretty possible. I did a little Clock program for my TI-83+, if you input the right time when it comes up it keeps a fairly passable imitation of a clock (incrementing a counter, about eight cycles per second, obviously not portable to massively overclocked TI-83s, but who cares?).

It seemed to impress and scare a lot of people. Of course, it lost time like mad when batteries were not 100% and/or after the program ran for about 5 minutes.
kknd_cf posted on Jul 14 2004 at 10:26 AM said:
diablo2 posted on Jul 10 2004 at 09:43 PM said:
although i hardly check that thread and i not that sure whats its about

but about the reminders
if you want something to remind you that you have do something in lets say an hour
gp32 cannot do this
because it does not have an internal clock
This has been said before and the reply was that the gp32 could run at an extremely low speed. But still it's a little crazy. I don't know if there is one but a stopwatch or countdown timer would be a little more sensible if anyone needed it.
i think i remember that
but you know
if it requires a mod
someones head will explode onto craig and robbster
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diablo2 posted on Jul 14 2004 at 10:07 PM said:
kknd_cf posted on Jul 14 2004 at 10:26 AM said:
diablo2 posted on Jul 10 2004 at 09:43 PM said:
although i hardly check that thread and i not that sure whats its about

but about the reminders
if you want something to remind you that you have do something in lets say an hour
gp32 cannot do this
because it does not have an internal clock
This has been said before and the reply was that the gp32 could run at an extremely low speed. But still it's a little crazy. I don't know if there is one but a stopwatch or countdown timer would be a little more sensible if anyone needed it.
i think i remember that
but you know
if it requires a mod
someones head will explode onto craig and robbster
I think you're looking at in the wrong way. The concept is to make the speed lower not to overclock since if you have a clock runnin and perhaps only want to see it when a button is pressed you want your gp running at the lowest speed as possible. This is what the neo geo does using another battery to store the clock memory.
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