Tough Tfts


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Nov 16, 2003
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For some reason or another, I threw my fist into the centre of my 17" Hitachi TFT. Despite a few screen marks in the shape and size of my knuckles (along with a few dead pixels in those areas), the monitor lives! I really expected it to be more damaged than this.

I've also sprained my hand as a result, and now I have a bandage and can't type. It also hurts whenever I move my fingers.

Anyone done similar? For some reason, I don't think many of the people here will have done, but it doesn't hurt to ask. I'm just glad I didn't do it to a CRT - last thing I want is glass embedded in my hand.
something not load? :lol:

My old TV used to go into like one line of light across the centre of the screen, and you had to hit it really hard to get the picture back, one day I hit it right off my drawers :|, the glass in TV's is pretty thick!
Squidge posted on Jul 7 2004 at 10:45 PM said:
For some reason or another, I threw my fist into the centre of my 17" Hitachi TFT. Despite a few screen marks in the shape and size of my knuckles (along with a few dead pixels in those areas), the monitor lives! I really expected it to be more damaged than this.

I've also sprained my hand as a result, and now I have a bandage and can't type. It also hurts whenever I move my fingers.

Anyone done similar? For some reason, I don't think many of the people here will have done, but it doesn't hurt to ask. I'm just glad I didn't do it to a CRT - last thing I want is glass embedded in my hand.
dude, why did you do that?

i love my laptop screen, its beautiful *strokes*
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mines doing very well!

load times hugely cut compared to my hulking home pc, but it has a weird issue with falling asleep and flashing random colours!

and my screen is w i d e, always a good thing!
My sisters takes for ever to load, but it has a REALLY weak proccesser(sp) (like 300Mhz). My 5 year old desk top is ALOT more reliable.
my laptop has some 2 ghz
although i like my desktop better

i am using it right now
laptops can be good though
My (ex) friend aka the twat, beat my Dreamcast up with his fist and other body parts. He replcaed it with a dodgy one. Then we fell out (you may all know why) so I got drunk and took a hammer to his precious machine...

Oh and then we went out and poured turps on an old Pikachu teddy and set it on fire! (my friend joe went a little crazy and put half a bottle of turps on lol... big fire!!!!)

Being drunk is fun...
I once snapped a SNES controller in half while getting beat up in Street Fighter 2. Got lots of little plastic bits embedded in my palms, and many bad looks from my soon-to-be wife ('twas her favorite, see-thru lighted controller).

(the looks hurt more then the impaled plastic....)
jegHegy posted on Jul 8 2004 at 02:26 PM said:
why do i always read "Tough Tits" when i come across this thread?
I get the same thing. which is why I read the thread.
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i broke a megadrive up once for a Nintendo magazine (i think it was NOM, tey had this 'Mario Hammer' thing)

needless to say i didnt get a prize (sods law)

PS the MD was broken