Hello, Just Joined The Community

Yellow Kitty

Nov 7, 2014
I came across the Openpandora only a few weeks ago. Before that, I had no idea anything like the Pandora, or a community like this even existed.

What first led me to eventually find you guys was that a few month ago I was making a Piratebox: http://piratebox.cc/

The Piratebox is this open source device that lets you have a chunk of your own cyberspace and people can log into it, chat with you, share files, and post in a forum via wi-fi. I first made a piratebox with a wi-fi router called the TP-Link 3040 or something like that. It only took me 5 minutes to set up.

I then told a friend about the piratebox a week later. My friend became very interested and had the idea of hooking up a piratebox to a quad helicopter drone, to provide access to his piratebox [which he'd make] at large protests. We figured that the wi-fi router I used was too heavy for a copter drone. So I told my friend that the piratebox site talks about something called a "Raspberry Pi" thing which looks like a electrical circuit that is only the size of a credit card. I told my friend that this Pi board might work with a quad drone. So my friend said he'd buy the "Raspberry Pi Ultimate Starter Kit," to set up his piratebox. And I then also bought the same ultimate starter kit.

Before that day I had never heard of a Raspberry Pi. And so, while waiting for my Pi kit to be delivered, I googled a few things about it. That's when I learned that it's a tiny Linux computer! I grew up on Windows and I've barely learned that Linux existed a couple years ago. I'm not computer savvy.

So anyways: I got my Raspberry Pi kit, and I went to the piratebox site to follow the instructions. It took me one whole frustrating day to set up my Raspberry Pi and get it to start X. My step dad had to hook it up via the HDMI thing to a tv screen for me. It took me a whole 2 more days to hack the Pi and turn it into a piratebox!

After I got my Raspberry Pi[rate]box working, I thought it was really cool that a Linux computer could be so small. If the Pi thing had a little screen and keyboard, I'd probably carry it in my pocket. That's when I had this impulse to google for a computer that would fit in my pocket!

I found nothing but old outdated devices. I first bought a Nokia N810 which is from 2007. The N810 runs on a Linux distro called Maemo or something. I then bought the Nokia N900. The N900 sucked ass and I shelved it. But I really liked the N810 because it worked and behaved like a real computer, but it was small enough to fit in your pocket! So I thought to myself: "There must be a current device like the N810 but better out there." So I searched.

That's when I discovered something I never knew existed. My search led me to that Neo900 group where a group of people are fixing to take the old Nokia N900 and make an Open Source computer device out of it. I thought this idea of an open source mini computer running on Linux was very cool, but I didn't like the N900. So I googled for other open souce communities working on similar projects... which eventually led me to discover the Openpandora.

I spent about a few weeks watching every youtube video about the Open Pandora, read every website I could find, learned a few things about the Craig drama, and found the Pyra site and so on. I ordered my Pandora recently which will be delivered tomorrow!!!

I got Yoshi's emulator folder kit thing all ready to go, plus the two SD cards. I also have 4 games [ROMs]. But basically, I'd like to use my Pandora to write and read with. I read and write a lot. With a Pandora - and later a Pyra - I'll always have an on the fly thing to write with. My favorite thing about Linux is the gpg encryption.

I'm very glad I found you guys! I wish Evil Dragon and everyone the best of luck. It's a niche device... but there is a market out there for it. I'm personally sick of these smartphones. But that's a different topic.

Nice to meet eveybody.

It took me one whole frustrating day to set up my Raspberry Pi and get it to start X.
On the positive side, programs and source code are not the only things that are valued in the open source world.
Many developers value detailed and thorough feedback on things that are frustrating from the perspective of a non-technically-savvy user, especially when they can be found in the initial setup process of a product that was initially made to better teach non-technically-savvy people about computers -- as is the case with the Raspberry Pi.

You could also look whether there is documentation available that explains how to solve the problems that you've encountered. If there isn't, you could save other people from the same frustrations by writing up your experiences and making them available to others. If there is documentation and it turns out that you just didn't khow where to find it/what to search for in the first place, you could help restructure it so that it becomes more easily accessible, and so on.
I'm glad everyone, including myself read Yello Kitty's introduction post because I sometimes hate it when people just reply with tl;dr :(
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Hello and welcome.

Hope Yoshis pack is still recent. I would suggest to go to repo.openpandora.org for the newest software.

Also install PNDManager.
wait a second, Ekianjo didn't posted a link on his article yet? :P
Thank you for the welcome and replies everybody.

@Ekianjo: I found Pandoralive.info blog a while ago :) It's a great site with lots of information!

@ Eight Bit: I'll stay a long time. I think a community working or helping out with a project like this is really cool... and perhaps how future technologies will be implemented. I'd like to be a part of one somehow. Plus I'll have questions about how to work my Pandora and soon to be Pyra [when we can pre-order them].

@ Comradekingu: Nice to meet you. I'll stay on this road for a long while!

@Elwing & DaMommy: Hi :)

@Christoph.Krn: Hi! The N810 & N900 are essentially based on two very different concepts. The older [circa 2007] N810 is based on the concept that it is a pocket PC which runs on a miniature Linux distro. The "newer" N900 [circa 2009] is based on the idea that it is a cellphone, and it works as a cellphone proper... an outdated one. I already have a cellphone that can do more than the N900. It seems redundant to me to have two cellphone. The N810 supplements my cellphone because it works as a mini computer. The screen of the N810 is also much larger [~4.5in], compared to the ~3.5 of the N900. The N900 is also made from creeky cheap plastic, whereas the N810 is made from metal... I think titanium.

I eventually figured out how to start my Raspberry Pi. The problem was on my part. I just didn't understand the instructions.

@Shenmue, WizardStan, SONY: Hi.

@McObit: I'll take your advie and not use Yoshi's kit. I used it for the folder structuring. I've alreadu sacked the repo and archives for .pnd files I liked. I'll install PNDManager as my first install. If I have questions or trouble, I'll ask here.

@TrashyMG: I didn't know Yoshi's kit was outdated. I used it basically for its folder structure, which seems to be needed on SD cards, so I've read. I read I need a "Pandora" folder on an SD card, and inside are needed subfolders such as: 1. appdata, 2. apps. 3. desktop 4. menu 5. mmenu & 6. rom. The .pnd files goes in the appdata subfolder if you want the app to appear everywhere?
I read I need a "Pandora" folder on an SD card, and inside are needed subfolders such as: 1. appdata, 2. apps. 3. desktop 4. menu 5. mmenu & 6. rom. The .pnd files goes in the appdata subfolder if you want the app to appear everywhere?

.pnd files should reside in either desktop, menu or apps for both locations.. appdata is where configuration data is stored or where you may need to place commercial data for specific programs like doom .wad files for doom engine ports like zdoom or chocolate doom.. The directory structures for specific applications are created automatically on first PND run like you start a zdoom it will make a folder named zdoom in the appdata directory.  