Please..Read ASAP..!

The streaks were only on Windups.. thats when i thought it may be a battery problem.. On the intitla start up everyhting is fine, logo, animation etc..! It just seems that when i try to trasfer files i get the error at the last minute, but a colleague on the board suggests a flash reader. so thats what i am going to use..!

Many thanks.. no more from me now..!
I wish him luck on the reader side of things :P.

Hope his so called friend knows what he`s talking about :blink:.

Personally i would have sent it back.

Oh well you live and learn.


I have had my Gp32 for nearly 5-6months. I have heard ALOT of horror stories. Most of them very fixable. I have had my share of stories myself when I first got it.
I wish there was a easy FIXABLE answer to all your problems. Unfortunately, there isn't. The only answer is to return it to Play-Asia for a new one. DO NOT FLASH THE BIOS! If you do, you will definitely be buggered.

We don't like to see frustrated and angry GP users in this community. (speaking for myself) Even though we give our free time to help others here. I think we do it, because we like to see this community grow and prosper. Just take back your GP32, get another...and when you come back to our help forum....we will try and help you if you need it. Cheers
If the unit is faulty then you have more options than just trying to sell it as is on ebay. Why don't you try returning it and getting another one sent to you. I know that some of them have been faulty right out of the box so it might not be your fault. As for reflashing the bios I have been running the multi boot firmware by mr spiv and love it but it will in no way help your problem. Other people have suggested trying out a dedicated card reader and that to me sounds like a good idea. That way if it is infact and error due to writting stuff to the card which could be caused by pc-link, the gp32 itself, or a number of other things you would have another shot at getting the stuff written to the card properly. This is all stuff that you should look into and could help you out a great deal but get your shit straight and get your work done. I understand how once you start working on somthing and it dosn't work you just want to mess with it until its right. I just spent awhile trying to get mysql up and running properly on my server and had alot of problems with it. I would mess with it get pissed off then take a break and go back to it with a level head. I suggest you do the same with this and it will work out. Take a break and chill out that way you won't be so frantic and destroy anymore smc's. put down the gp32 get your work done then go take a walk or somthing and then play with the gp32 again.
Looks like we need some relaxation classes to take place on this board soon. *Breathe in through the nose, calmly now, breath out the mouth*


Now don't we all feel better.......OR do we need Valium??? ;)
Contact Play-Asia support email and explain the problems. It DOES sound like a defective unit. They have good customer service in my experience so give them a chance to help you before you do anything drastic.

Also, did you try using it with another PC? That's the only thing I can think of trying that hasn't been said yet. If it has, don't get mad, I really didn't read every post carefully. Good luck.

Lastly, I think nearly every GP32 user has problems in the beginning. I did. But once you get it working right, and start enjoying the system you forgive it. You should visit Jeff Minter's site and read his huge thread when he first got his GP32. He nearly went insane, cursing all over the place (kinda like you) and had tons of trouble. But it finally got sorted out an he loved the machine. You are not alone.
Another thing on flashing:
IF the GP32 refuses to load GPEngine or WindUps correctly (probably because files are not written well on the SMC), DON'T FLASH!
The new bios is also being loaded from the SMC, if there are some errors in it, the GP32 will surely be nothing more than a piece of plastic junk!

I, too, guess, it's a SMC-read/write problem. The USB of the GP32 isn't exactly what you call reliable... that's why I have an SMC reader myself :)
come on guys cut him some slack, i know i'd be pissed off if a piece of stuff i'd bought didn't work!

I reccommend you try flash reader option, and if that don't work play hell with play-asia
I'm Back. Bought a dedicated Flash reader. Managed to resurrect my 128 flash cards. Wrote the GP files onto the card........

.......Wait for it.. loaded it up... Went into Launcher... .. . .. Same thing...!

So its definitely the GP32...

Now yep i can send it back.. BUT i have a very bad habit of trying to fix things when they go wrong.... :D .... and as you can imagine, that dos'nt always go right, so then i loose everything.... So being stupid, what do i do.. i try to flash Mr Spivs creation onto it.. Fortunately that too does not boot...!

So For the first tme i will be contacting Play-Asia and sending the unit back..

One last question for any folks out there.... I already paid import tax on the product.. The sheild and stuff was stuck on the parcel wrapping which i have already thrown away, does that mean when i get another GP32 from play-asia, i have to pay import tax again..? Any ideas of how this can be sorted out, 'Cos the last time the import tax was only £4 and Royal mail added another £4 for thier good will in paying the original £4, and so took £8 from me..! :huh:

Take care dudes... Got an exam to do on Tuesday..!

heh, it'll cost you import tax again but as you are british check out, they are british based