Modded X-box


Feb 16, 2004
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What do pple think of it I love it Its like haveing a media center PC B)
I have a question For the pple who have a modded X-box has anyone successfully installed linux on it I just D/led Xebian and cant seem to run it? Im never tried Linux and would like to try it out on my X-box to see wat all the fuss is about
Running linux on the xbox is pretty pointless. On the upside, its the only legal way to mod an xbox, on the downside, support is pretty basic. There is little to none graphics acceleration, and is generally unpleasent to use.

I do recommend a modded xbox to, well, everyone. I havn't burned a CD in fucking ages, since I just stream everything over my home network to my xbox using XBMC.
I just stream everything over my home network to my xbox using XBMC.
You mean FTP? Cant you just do that with the average dashboard replacement?

Anyway I have one and it absolutely rocks. I still buy xbox live games, because it sucks to try and play them on xbc, but the other games I just copy onto DVD-R (aaah I never wouldve bought them anyway, I was beginning to lose interest in the xbox right before I bought my chip, then I wouldn't have bought ANY games, not even online ones)
Also the Neo-Geo and CPS2 emulation is amazing, some people have even put their xboxes into arcade cabinets and used peripheral arcade-joysticks as the controls. Works perfectly.

The PSX emulation and N64 emulation are superb, and everything before that (except saturn) is perfect so no need to really talk about them.

I've been playing Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow online on Xbox Connect... its soooo awesome. it's like the only stealth game ever made in multiplayer, and it does it really well too. Perfectly balanced
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The PSX emu for X-box is actually good :o how is compatibility on that? How does it stack up to epsxe the PSX emu for the pc but right now I want linux for my X-box looks like so far no has tried it seems alil complex but I wont give up untill IM surfing the web on my X-box B)
pcsxbox compability isnt as great as epsxe but if you want to run 2d games its great(ive played castlevania sotn and final fantasy V and VI at very close to fullspeed) if you want to try linux on xbox look for gentoox. all you have to do is upload it to the xbox and launch it from any dashboard(no need to reflash the bios) from my experience its really slow, i got internet to work but obviously flash doesnt work so its best to go with linksboks which is pretty decent
so atm is Linux too slow to be of any use? Is it worth Downloading? G4 techtv were just talking about how great Linux on X-box is thats why Im so intrested in trying it out be cool to get internet runniing smoothly on it.
I modded mine using the audio exploit. It requires no mod chip and doesn't have the dreaded clock loop that other exploits have. It more or less requires cuting the cable of an xbox joy pad connecting a usb jack to it downloading the correct drivers copying a hacked game save to a memory card then copying and running the hacked game save on the pc. This gives you ftp access from there you copy over all of the files needed to launch the mod. I also installed a 120gig harddrive which is a bit tricky but it works like a charm and I didn't haveto buy a chip or worry about trying to solder anything. As for xbox linux it's kinda cool to play around with. I got a mouse and keyboard working with no problems and even installed apache and played with it as a webserver for a bit. I must admit though as stated earlier it is a bit uncomfortable to use on a standard tv due to the resolution and fuzzyness. However it's fun to use as a headless system to mess around withand set up servers and stuff. If you have never used linux before try out knopix it's a full distrobution on a cd pop it in your pc cdrom and reboot. It's probably the best way for someone who is interested in linux to try it out with out the hassle of doing a full install.
As for hacked xbox I think it's amazing I have only tried one psx game and it ran perfectly. The n64 emulation is pretty impresive for the xbox. It's really not that great on the pc but the guys who did it ported over the three best pc n64 emulators and combined them into one emu for the xbox so it's not perfect because it'snot great on the pc but it's a damn nice job. The killer app I must say is xbox media center. I have all my cd's riped to my harddrive and the xbox connected to the stereo. I have a wireless network set up and I can walk around the house even outside and through my web browser I can control the whole thing, load playlists start movies everything. As for streaming it's not just an ftp it allows you to stream movies from another pc on the network to the xbox in your living room to watch them on the tv. Over all I think I payed less than $300 for the whole thing but I would have payed twice that.
so atm is Linux too slow to be of any use? Is it worth Downloading? G4 techtv were just talking about how great Linux on X-box is thats why Im so intrested in trying it out be cool to get internet runniing smoothly on it.

It's not to bad speed wise it's worth playing around but it's not the same as using it on a pc with a hi res monitor. Install it play around with it, it's great but not as impressive as other apps on the system and don't expect it to replace your home pc.
well i know gentoox is slow. the big thing is that there is no hardware acceleration. it will run and will give you internet(if you can set it up) but like i said if you get to a site with flash it will slow down. if you want internet just go with linksboks
I bought mine $400 it has the Xecuter lite chip and a 120gig HDD :) Im definitely going to try Knopix out thanx B) By the way do you think its possible to hookup an external HDD to the X-box maybe thru the controller port?
well i know gentoox is slow. the big thing is that there is no hardware acceleration. it will run and will give you internet(if you can set it up) but like i said if you get to a site with flash it will slow down. if you want internet just go with linksboks
Cool thanx Im going to try that out aswell B) So with linksboks a site with flash will slow that down alil too or it that just gentoox?
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I need to get one of these soon, atm I have a ps2, but with new HDD capabilites it could do some of this stuff. Probably not though as its so hard to code for :(

angrypants: Where can I read more about this exploit?

EDIT: Sorry hadnt read the links yet :)

EDIT2: The guide seems to be down :(
Yep i have from as they dont require you to sign up for NOCHEX.

SO glad i did too. A modded XBox rawks - especially because of XPorts work not least his recent releases of Amstrad CPC, Sharp X68000, Atari Lynx and MSX emulators.

Acorn/BBC computers aside, the XBox pretty much now emulates every major 8 or 16bit system almost perfectly.

And yes XBMC does indeed rock a fat one. Especially since i replaced the 10gb hd with my PCs old 30GB one - easy to do too. USB adaptor + keyboard is also well worth it.