Happy Birthday To Me!


Trust the recursion...
May 21, 2003
California, USA
Yup, today's my birthday! Although I won't be doing anything special, and I really won't get anything (I'm going to order 7th Style on Saturday, so, my birthday should be next week since that's when I'll get my GP32 back with the mods, a new 128 SMC, my new CBOX for my CobaltFlux, my IIDX controller, and 7th Style), it's still a great day!
I was gonna say get drunk but its only your 16th lol. ^_^ Happy Birthday.

My last birthday consisted of skipping college, drinking with a mate then meeting other people at the pub then onto a club :) Good day indeed!
Actually, it's my 15th, but regardless of my age, I wouldn't drink anyways :P

Anyways, I think I'll go bake myself a cake right now...
That was my line until I was 17, 3 months before my birthday. Now look at me.

Im blind :ph34r:
Well, I remember reading something about drinking alcohol can reduce brain cells or something, and I certainly wouldn't want that since I'm valedictorian and I'm one of those kids who studies all the time...so I guess we'll see what happens in a few years...
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When I was <17 then I didnt wanna drink cause I didnt wanna feel "different" then I had a few beers with a mates. Then the next week I had a few beers and alcopop and a tripple vodka. Then the next week I had that plus half a bottle of vodka at home. Lets just say that week my toilet was my new home. I drank heavily until march; after march I just started drinking constantly because of some problems. Now I cant seem to stop; I dont mind drinking with mates but when im alone its not as fun.


Anyways thats my story <_<

edit: And I never studied all the time.. I got ok grades and I was happy with them.
Happy Birthday!

On the subject of the evils of the demon spit known as alcohol:
Moderation is your friend. I find though that If I smoke weed, I usually don't drink at all; the aftereffects of drinking too much wreaks havoc on my system; I'm not a young guy anymore.
happy birthday man!

[/me] does the birthday dance for azure [me]

hmmm, you may wanna just try drinking in moderation at some point. its an experience and come the next afternoon you won't even know you've had a drink, it doesn't rot your brain on contact!

i've been drinking and smoking for years and am still predicted AAB in my A Levels!
Hey Azure, just outta curiosity

Wheres your IIDX contoller?


(I tried to make it look old)
When I was <17 then I didnt wanna drink cause I didnt wanna feel "different" then I had a few beers with a mates. Then the next week I had a few beers and alcopop and a tripple vodka. Then the next week I had that plus half a bottle of vodka at home. Lets just say that week my toilet was my new home. I drank heavily until march; after march I just started drinking constantly because of some problems. Now I cant seem to stop; I dont mind drinking with mates but when im alone its not as fun.


Anyways thats my story <_<

edit: And I never studied all the time.. I got ok grades and I was happy with them.
come on man this thing with this kat chick is getting old. any girl who causes you to fuck up that bad deserves to be ran over by a car
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bringouthegimp has brains. I agree with him and wish to subscribe to his newsletter.

Happy birthday Azure! Your present is the unlocking of the spam thread!