Classic Nes

It's cos I had a sporadic list of games on my GP32.... so not the ones listed here...

what other ones are good then?
Baseball Stars
Bionic Commando
Castlevania 1, 2, 3
Final Fantasy 1, 2, 3
Ice Hockey
Kirby's Adventure
Metal Gear
Micro Machines
Ninja Gaiden 1, 2, 3
River City Ransom
Super Mario Bros. 1, 2 ,3 (especially 3)
Zelda games

There's a few.
I liked Nintendo before they tried to remake everything for the GBA. I do think it's good though to get a younger generation interested in retro games. ;)
i think those classic game reissues have been dominating the sales charts in japan.

get ready to see the same thing in America whn we get all the releases, "perhaps.."

Retro games are a huge fad. You know that dumb little AA-powered joystick you can buy for your TV with pac man/digdug/etc in it? They couldn't keep them stocked on the shelves last xmas.

i think it's great. people are actually enjoying COOL video games again, for a change!
Gargoyle's Quest 2 is a great one too. Damn they're really dumb to this to sell such things. If it was a compilation with 10 nes games for 20 $, it could be nice but here.... Still the worst is that there is surely some dumb ones that will buy some of these games and be satisfied.
you know those re-issues in japan have been selling like hot cakes, think there were only like 12 pounds though.

river city ransom and backyard baseball are just great
Thats shit, who the hell is going to pay $20 for a NES game? Nintendo are retards.

Japanese Sales Charts - Week Ending February 15

TW LW Title Publisher Formats Release Date
1 NE Sengoku Musou Koei PS2 2004.02.11
2 2 Pokemon Fire Red The Pokemon Company GBA 2004.01.29
3 1 Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 Bandai PS2 2004.02.05
4 3 Pokemon Leaf Green The Pokemon Company GBA 2004.01.29
5 NE Famicom Mini: Super Mario Bros. Nintendo GBA 2004.02.14
6 NE Famicom Mini: The Legend of Zelda Nintendo GBA 2004.02.14
7 NE Famicom Mini: Donkey Kong Nintendo GBA 2004.02.14
8 NE 007: Everything or Nothing Electronic Arts PS2 2004.02.11
9 4 Puyo Puyo Fever Sega PS2 2004.02.04
10 NE EyeToy: Play Sony PS2 2004.02.11

And yes, that's ALL FORMAT for February. Including PS2 and GameCube.

Still think Nintendo are retards?
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It's not really the game they are paying $20 for, it's more a kind of collection thing. They are styled like miniature nes cartridges and people who grew up with the nes like the idea of collecting them all, rather like paying extortionate prices for little collectable figurines, except you can play games with them.