external light idea!


Feb 16, 2003
I was thinking, you know the red indicator light on top of the GP32? Maybe you could take the red one they give you out, attach the wires to a bigger light, and then it would turn on when the GP32 did and be a new light!! Maybe a dumb idea, but it sounds interesting to me! :D :D :D :D
Opening the GP32 makes me nervous too, but I am waiting to see what AxeMan or Craig has to say about it.
Biggest problem with doing that is getting it to be structurally stable. There's nothing to really attach anything to (structurally) on the top of the case, and you'd end up with some nasy jutting bit at the top - really asking to be snapped off!

What do others think?
if you curved it over so it was angled then it might work, or make it removeable so it clips in and out. Biggest problem would be, how much current goes through and will it give enough for a decent light quality
Hmm....Just an idea, but maybe there is a way to draw more power to the indicator light, it would just take a smidge of life out of the batteries. Maybe I will try it with my GBA, since I don't use it as much. ;) My GBA has really been collecting some dust since I got the GP32. Anyone else like that? hehe
zboy9 posted on May 15 2003 said:
Hmm....Just an idea, but maybe there is a way to draw more power to the indicator light, it would just take a smidge of life out of the batteries. Maybe I will try it with my GBA, since I don't use it as much. ;) My GBA has really been collecting some dust since I got the GP32. Anyone else like that? hehe
Me like that :) I think that I'm going to e-bay it ;)

Anyways, I think that it would be impossible to get more current for the light wo/ breaking the GP, but if you got seprate current... What I really want is a indicator for low power.
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Here's a crazy thought... If it was possible to replace the LED at all, then why not replace it with a bright white one like used in those torches. That would presumably draw as little current whilts being incredibly bright. Then al you would need to do is make a clip-on diffuser out of perspex that would direct the light downwards and spread it. ;)

BTW - Anyone does this and gets it to market, cut me in :P
