Retrogamer Magazine Giving Away A Gp32 Flu

Squidge, that's exactly what I thought but I remember it being said that default gp32 speed was 40 Mhz or am I wrong?(which isn't an option, they're just asking what speed it can run at...)
I recently bought CD of "C64 Classics" - a freeware C64 emulator and a huge number of ROMs (claims to have "3000 classic games" - I haven't counted, but it could be about right!)

In the helpfiles, it admits that all of the ROMs were downloaded from the net. It has what I believe to be some famous classics from the C64, and most of the ROMs I've played have been pirated versions, still bearing the startup screens / trainer modes from the original cracks. The only concession to copyright I've seen is an offer to not to include a ROM in the next edition if the author requests it.

It's published by Revive software, and was bought from GAME in Cardiff, UK. It sat alongside similar CDs for atari etc. Maybe this lot are assuming that C64, atari, sinclair (and a few others) are now all abandonware?

Either way, C64 was a bit before my time, but I'm delighted to find some cracking games on there :).
Don't bother with that CD - Some of the cracks are bad. Fine someone who is willing to copy you the GameBase64 collection - 15,000 working games plus a frontend and extras!
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Right, so they were asking for the maximum official speed. Could of worded it better. Still, people who read the mag and don't have a gp32 will probably just select the speed specified at Gbax.
I got my brother to enter the compo. I told him 133mhz I think. Doubt I'll win though; as the editor knows where about I live, my second name and that I write a GP32 fanzine. Mmm.
hhmmmm... Its a dodgy Question... maybe all are right :D (as the GP32 can run at all them speeds, But it can also run at 166mhz, 172mhz, 176mhz, 156mhz Etc Etc...)

Its a Bad Question in my Opinion :P hehe
Yup, a better question would be asking for the maximum number of colors on the screen at any one time.
Well the Gp32 only has a 66 mhz cpu, and 133 mhz came from people saying that's the maximum amount you can go before you gp32 over heats and creates "bubbles" on the lcd screen.
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Does someone of you know, if they ship this Magazine to Germany? because it sounds quite interesting. If they do, how much is the shipping, then?
Where do you enter the contest online on

I think they should Re-Word it :D I hope its 133mhz hehe...

the Question says -

How fast is the GP32's processor?

So Surely its the fastest setting on there... hhmmm but are they including Overclocking in that?? as isnt 133mhz still overclocking the CPU ??
Considering that Gbax donated the GP32, I'm assuming the answer will be from gbax too, which states 133Mhz.
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