Kingdom Of Loathing!

Dont worry, i need 2 moxy points, but I am only 2 points from gaining my next moxy, so it'll b best to wait till tomro, but some elixer and get a couple more points

Ill be up brite and early coz im trying to get and ebay auction
I made 35k selling hellions, vodka, spices and noodles today after briefly adventuring in the kitchens and orcish frat house :) Woogal added a few items but no real clan stash activity ;(
I'm "Dozer" but have only have a lowly level 2 saucepan guy.

Basically eat and drink everything in that section of your inventory first... it doesn't hurt to get as drunk as possible since drunkenness is reset.

But I just fought gimp and won :D. Party because he was drunk... he did beat me in a fashion show though :S.

Can my member title be "Rebel Without a Cause" :D.
I made 35k selling hellions, vodka, spices and noodles today after briefly adventuring in the kitchens and orcish frat house :) Woogal added a few items but no real clan stash activity ;(
Yeah, I just put in a few bits and pieces I was carrying. I have some more stuff in my colossal closet that I'll sort out later.
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I hear that once I level up a few times and go to the Icy Peak, simply adventuring there nets up to 150k a day. At that point money shouldn't be a problem :)
But I just fought gimp and won :D. Party because he was drunk... he did beat me in a fashion show though :S.

Can my member title be "Rebel Without a Cause" :D.
Being drunk when PvPing is a good thing, since there is occasionally a drinking contest. I haven't got a good track record with PvPs but this is good because the higher loss than win ratio gives people a false sense of security, they fight me and I kick their ass.
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I'm still level 2 and have noooo adventures left, so I can't join yet. Wasted em on gettin some bitch her paint and brush <_<.

Is there anyway to get more adventures? I must be close to level 3, but I have 0 adventures, 15 meat and no food. Got things like a stack of meat but I don't think I can sell that yet anyway.

Edit again: Need 1 Mysticality to advance to level 3 now. Anything I can buy to do that? :huh:
There are medicines at the market that will allow u to gain a point in any of the three areas, they are 300 meat each, but make sure u get the mysticality one

HUZZAH, Level 3
ALSO drinking and eating gives you more adventures! You can only eat a certain amount before you are full, and 'cooking' things together with the Oven (get from market) allows you to get better food worth more adventures and stats. Drinking gets you drunk and affects attack performance, plus there's a limit. I suggest drinking at the end of your session. The clockwork maid (combine frilly skirt + meat engine) gives you 4 adv/day, joining a clan gives you 3 adv/day (wahey!) and chrome weapons like my own give you an extra 3 a day. All in all I start the game with 50 turns a day and usually get another 40 or so by eating pizzas.
you're in. i pmed you to ask about a member title (kol pm) and you didn't respond :(

it's /msg TheRico SOME MESSAGE
Haven't recieved the pm yet rico, yet thanks for accepting me.

have added all my items and meat (not much at level 3 but its a start...)
Oh and matt I have no idea why you kept removing and putting back Imp Ale :)

Current stats for clan:

Name            Mus Mys Mox Total Karma
bringoutthegimp	9   5   6   20    847
finty101        8   6   11  25    500
mattmagoo       7   4   8   19    833
Skop            8   8   7   23    1460
TheRico         56  39  40  135   16000
Woogal          14  6   8   28    1844
Haven't recieved the pm yet rico, yet thanks for accepting me.

have added all my items and meat (not much at level 3 but its a start...)
Noooo! Throw away stupid items sure but not meat, you might as well keep 26 meat. Oh well. Don't sweat the karma at the moment, it's not important.

I will put you up to admin since you also came up with the idea. All major contributors so far have a few extra powers (ability to look at item log and make announcements, but soon more).

Finally the PM appears in blue on your right-hand chat pane. You need to enter chat first. I will send another to test.
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It was fun

still, asking someone what member title they want and then putting down something different is a little rude dont ya think?

still no Dozer