New Frontpage And Madsk8tard Interview


That Guy!
Hello once again!
I have now got a new frontpage for my interviews site thanks to Maks and to celebrate I have an interview with MaDsk8tard!

Expect a really cool interview to make it's way onto the page very soon also, if your reading this forum you'll appreciate the interview ;)

Have a good night all!
TJ Hooka
just a suggestion but dating your interviews would be useful to see how old the info is...
Good new interface because it's more readable than before, but effectively it's to small :(

Good interview too ;)
Yes there was crocomire, sorry everybody I made sure all the links were working at 3 am last night, I didn't check if all the names were there cause I was tired ;P I'll try and figure out how to improve on this and yoyofr's is at this page

I would edit to add Yoyofr to the bar, but Maks didn't send me the font yet.
I dunno maybe I'll actually update my own GFX soon, if I have enough time or just turn it back to Text!