More Cheap Smartmedia For Uk Users.

spudpeel posted on May 29 2004 at 01:34 PM said:
Got the latest morgan flyer, quite cheap memory cards, inc Smartmedia, compact flash etc.
Morgan computers
Morgan is £29.36 + postage for an unbranded 128MB card, that is just a little more then the £18inc. that eBuyer is doing them for :o.
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Heres a Price everyone can live with.

On you can order 128MB Viking SMCs for 15 dollars after rebate which translates to about 8.22 GBP. I don't know if they ship to the UK but thats good news for north americans nevertheless!

:D :D
Why couldnt you have told me about thisyesterday before I went a bought a card? <_<
Count your blessings Chris, I am not fortunant enough to be in the UK for this deal, or a man with enough patience to buy one this way.

I am about to go across the street to a Radioshack and spend over 2.5 times as much, on the same thing.... grr...