Gpcinema(freeware)different To The Ver. Before??


Apr 5, 2004
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first of all: sorry for my bad english.
but i have sth. to say!!
is the freeware version of gpcinema different to the buy version?
i think that because i red everywhere that the buy version has a fpk file in it.
but the free version is only a fxe. <_<
and i can'T find out how to run the extra skins for it.
maybe there is a skin file in the full version?? i dont know...
please help me with my skin problem!!! :o
when this the only change is, than could i ran the extraskins or?
the programm is running very well! my problem is the extra skin.
someone said i should put them in gpmm/mpgpskin
i have tested that but it dosn't run.
maybe the way to put it in there is wrong.
what what should i do instead???????????
No, custom skins do not work with the free version. Well, at least they don't work if you put them in MPGPSKIN, they may be a different folder you have to put them in for the free version.
great. someone knows what i'm saying.
but that's said that they don'T work. :angry:
i think there must not be a special name for the file.
i tryed some like gpcineskin, gpskin, cineskin and......
please write me answere of this problem!!
(if there is one)
In anoter thred Woogal wrote:

"After having a quick look through a memory dump of the free GP Cinema, it seems that skins do work but they need to be in a different folder.

Put skin.cfg into gp:\gpmm\mpgpskin\ as normal,
and put bmp's into gp:\gpmm\gpcinema\


mayby this will help you...