What Music?


Just Photoshoppin, True, True.....
May 13, 2004
I'm not sure?
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What music do you have on any of your SMC. I only have a 16mb card at the mo so all I ever had was;
Incubus-circles, Are you in, Megalomaniac and 11am
LostProphets-Burn burn
Alien ant farm-Movies
and that's it, <_< well I only have a 16mb.
i dont have much music, but i got sum techno like benni benassi satisfaction, logical song (newer 1) bomfunk mc's songs, butterfly of dance dance revolution 2nd mix, sum tenacious d songs and sum south park songs
I dont bother using gp32_console as a music player cos with limited space its a pretty crappy one.

Thats what i got a cd player for

But if i did have music on there id have :-

Pink Floyd
Scissor Sisters
Polyphonic Spree

Which is stuff im listening 2 at the mo
Faithless - Mass Destruction

The new Crystal Meth album "Legion of Boom". (Track: Weapons of Mass Distortion = quality track).

Primal Scream - "Dirty Hits"

A few MTV Mash tracks. (I have plenty of 128s, so it works great).
I don't use my GP32 for music usually, but I can tell what I have had on my SMC so far....

Soilwork - Figure Number Five, No more Angels, Black Star Deceiver, The Bringer, Follow the Hollow
The Dubliners - Whisky in the Jar
Flugschädel - Apfelkrautsalami (If anyone speaks German, yes, the song is as strange as the title :P)
Headstrong - Swing Harder
Cannibal the Musical - Trapper Song, When I was on Top of you, That's all I'm asking for

And several more metal tracks that probably noone knows ;) All that only to give to a friend - I could not be bothered to burn a CD ;)
Right now my mp3 SMC it's totaly empty. But I will fill it soon with these bands:

Machinae Supremacy

You guys just have to listen to this band! They are very good. They play metal + C64 sound. A very nice mix imo. Check em out at www.machinaesupremacy.com they have 25 mp3's for free. B)

Nightwish <- Fav band
Cradle of Filth
Dimmu borgir
and others...
Too little space, it takes too long to copy and doesn't look right. I did use it as one one time and if I remember right I had:
Guitar Vadar- Super Brother
The Libertines - Up the bracket, I get along
Radiohead- Paranoid Android, Electioneering
The Stranglers- Tank
The Cowboy Bebop theme tune (Tank)
Guitar Wolf- Teenage UFO
Ash- Kung Fu
Let Mom Sleep (from the JSR OST)
Sex Pistols- God Save the Queen
The Flaming Lips- Yoshimi vs. the pink robots pt.1
Von Bondies- C'mon C'mon
Franz Ferdinand- Darts of Pleasure, Take me out
Blur- Song 2
Dead Kennedys- Holiday in Cambodia

and probally one or two others.
Not naming individual songs but heres the bands ive got on my smc at the mo:
Rage against the machine
Shootin Goon
The code
Operation Ivy
Goldfinger (the older more ska, and better guitar stuff)
Megadeth (gotta love their shredtastic guitaring)
Hendrix (plenty of)
Howards ALias (A ska band some of my mates are in, theyve just signed to household names records the same as capdown)
I'm sure thers a few others too im not quite sure.
Right now all I have is Rancid, but it's usually a mix of NoFx, Lagwagon, Rancid, Sex Pistols, Misfits, Ramones, Guttermouth, ALL, Descendants, Pennywise, ect.
Too many to list :)
carlgeorge posted on May 18 2004 at 12:47 PM said:
Apfelkrautsalami (If anyone speaks German, yes, the song is as strange as the title

apple, herb and salami!?! what the hell is the song about?
Well, "Apfelkraut" is... hm... um... I have no idea. Whatever it is in english, translating the song would yield a result like

"Eat, eat the sausage, eat the sausage!
Swallow, swallow the bacon, swallow the bacon!
Gorge, gorge the meat, gorge the meat!"

And well, it goes on like that. If you can yank it out of a cow, they tell you a way to get into your stomach. In the background you can hear butchers on a market selling their stuff. It's really.... well, let's call it the positive kind of sick :P You just have to listen to it ;)

Anox: And there I was and thought I was the only one who listened to Fintroll!
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