Heres an older list for ya all I'll post the updated once I find it

:lol: This will give an indication which games will work etc. as you can see its for ver 0.016 need to find the 0.016a list I did its here somewhere. Post it soon
GigaDrive Compatibility list Ver 0.016
If you want to know of a specific version that doesn't work I can
tell you that. Most of these are US version or JUE.
Tested: 2 levels
Bugs: Batman logo does not rotate properly in the intro. The title
screen does not show up but can be skipped. No status display (life
battarangs etc) at the bottom of the screen.
Verdict: Needs a few fixes.
Chase HQ
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: Road is garbled
Verdict: Once road bug is fixed most driving games will work.
Contra: Hard Corps
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: Player moves forward but background does not scroll
horizontally until the player has past the screen.
Verdict: Intro fine. Scrolling needs to be added.
Dick Tracy
Tested: 2 levels
Bugs: Score and Stage number displays scroll across screen when you
move. Also I think the score bug (0 is displayed all the time) was
in this one as well.
Verdict: Almost perfect
DJ Boy
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: No status display bar.
Verdict: Almost perfect
Double Clutch
Tested: 1 track
Bugs: None
Verdict: Perfect
Double Dragon
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: Score doesn't work
Verdict: Almost perfect
Double Dragon 2: The Revenge
Tested: Jap version only came out in Japan
Bugs: Locks up on title screen
Verdict: Not emulated.
Double Dragon 3
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: None apart from being a crap game

Verdict: Perfect
Dynamite Heady
Tested: 1 Version
Bugs: Intro is a little garbled, Title screen is garbled and locks
up after trying to start the game.
Verdict: Not emulated properly.
E-SWAT: City Under Siege
Tested: 2 levels
Bugs: Pressing pause (start) causes game to lock up. Some garbage
right at the bottom of the screen visible in first level. Number of
Lives with a picture of the character missing.
Verdict: Intro perfect. Ingame needs a few fixes.
Fire Mustang
Tested: 2 levels
Bugs: Score doesn't work
Verdict: Almost perfect.
Fire Shark
Tested: 1 Version
Bugs: Pressing start takes you to options every time. On the demo
there are no sprites or gun fire just a background.
Verdict: Not emulated fully.
Tested: 4 levels
Bugs: Score doesn't work. Seem to have unlimited missiles.
Verdict: Almost perfectly emulated
Ghost Busters
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: Houses on the level select screen show up as black boxes when
you choose them. No status display at the bottom of the screen.
Pausing and unpausing results in a giant black square on the
Verdict: Needs a few fixes.
Ghouls & Ghosts
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: Everytime you jump you move to that level and stay there.
Verdict: Once the jumping bug is fixed the game will be perfect.
Golden Axe 2
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: None
Verdict: Perfect will test some more.
Golden Axe 3
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: Intro "Golden Axe" Shakes while scrolling.
Verdict: Almost perfect
Gunstar Heroes
Tested: 1 version
Bugs: Sega logo works and than it locks up.
Verdict: Not emulated
Hard Drivin
Tested: 1 track
Bugs: As soon as you start playing it says "Game Over"
Verdict: Small problem to fix up otherwise perfect.
Lemmings 2: The tribes
Tested: 1 Version
Bugs: Black screen
Verdict: Not emulated.
Marble Madness
Tested: 2 levels
Bugs: No display of timer and possiblt other status displays.
Verdict: Almost perfect
Mega Bomberman
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: Enemies can't move. Status bar at the top does not display
Verdict: Almost there.
Mega Games 10 Compilation
Tested: All 10 games
Bugs: Sega soccer, Streets of Rage, Reveng of Shinobi and
California Games reset the GP32. Flicky only half the Sega logo
shows up. Super Hang On has garbled road and background. Super
Manaco Grand Prix has garbled road. Sonic gives a black screen.
Verdict: Not emulated well. Columns perfect. Golden Axe Perfect
Megaman: Willy wars
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: Possible text missing in intro???
Verdict: Pretty much perfect
Mega Turrican
Tested: 1 Version
Bugs: Resets GP32
Verdict: Not emulated
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: No status diplay/bar
Verdict: Almost perfect
Michael Jacksons: Moonwalker
Tested: 1 Version
Bugs: Locks up after sega logo.
Verdict: Not emulated
Mickey Mouse: Castle of Illusion
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: Missing life apple etc display at the bottom of the screen.
When Mickey enters the door a dialogue box should come up saying "I
wonder whats behind this door"
Verdict: Intro perfect. Ingame status display needs to be
Tested: 1 match
Bugs: On the intro the Basketball jumps around but there should be
a sprite of a player bouncing that basketball.
Verdict: Intro mostly fine, Game perfect.
Tested: 1 version
Bugs: Just shows blue and black stripes
Verdict: Not emulated.
Ninja Gaiden
Tested: 1 Version
Bugs: Black screen
Verdict: Not emulated
Tested: One track
Bugs: Only half the Sega logo shows up. Title screen is garbled as
is the track and background ingame.
Verdict: Needs a few fixes
Power Drive
Tested: 1 version
Bugs: Black screen after car selection.
Verdict: Not emulated properly
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: None
Verdict: Perfect. Needs more testing.
Rocket Knight Adventures
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: No status display/bar.
Verdict: Almost perfect.
Snake Rattle & Roll
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: None that I can see
Verdict: Perfect
Sega Top 5 Compilation
Tested: All 5 games
Bugs: Shadow Dancer and Sega soccer reset the GP32. Flicky only
half the Sega logo shows up. Super thunderblade has garbled
background and road. Super Manaco Grand Prix has garbled road.
Verdict: Not emulated well
Sonic Compilation
Tested: All 3 games
Bugs: All 3 reset the GP32
Verdict: Not emulated
Sonic the Hedgehog: Various versions tested most worked.
Tested: First level and special stage.
Bugs: None
Verdict: Intro and ingame perfectly emulated
Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Various versions tested most worked fine.
Tested: First level and special stage.
Bugs: None
Verdict: Intro and game perfectly emulated
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 & Knuckles: Various versions worked fine
Tested: First level and special stage
Bugs: None
Verdict: Intro and game perfectly emulated
Sonic 3
Tested: 3 versions
Bugs: Black screen
Verdict: Not emulated
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Tested: Various Versions
Bugs: Black screen
Verdict: Not emulated
Sonic & Knuckles
Tested: First Level and special stage
Bugs: None
Verdict: Looks perfect. Need to do more testing.
Sparkster: Rocket Knight Adventures 2
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: No status display/bar. Sparkster sprite missing on the intro
and title screen.
Verdict: Almost perfect
Spiderman: Seperation Anxiety
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: None
Verdict: Perfect
Story of Thor
Tested: Europe version.
Bugs: Locks up on title screen.
Verdict: Intro works fine and than locks up.
Streets of Rage 2
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: No status display/bar.
Verdict: Almost perfect
Streets of Rage 3
Tested: 2 levels
Bugs: None!
Verdict: Perfect!
Sunset Riders
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: Status display/bar missing from top of the screen
Verdict: Almost perfect
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Hyperstone Heist
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: Status display/bar missing from top of the screen
Verdict: Almost perfect
Toe Jam & Earl
Tested: World Map
Bugs: Can't see selections on the title screen and charcter
choices. Map garbled when you press the buttons to bring up some
king of screens which are also garbled.
Verdict: Needs some work
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
Tested: 1 level
Bugs: On the "Choose your destiny" Screen the vertical scrolling is
incorrect when it shows the characters you have to fight. Options
screen does not display properly when choosing an option it
dissapears. Six button controller support would be