What Will Happen With Metal Slug?

i have heard very little about it
i don't even remember braindead2 ever posting
but look at when i joined

i want it to be released
but i am not going to hold my breath

I think Braindead2 must get bored with his projects quite easily, he's released at least two amazingly good demos (Metal Slug and Resident Evil) but nothing seems to be coming from any/either of them.

Obviously it's not for me to tell him ho to spend his time, it's just a pity is all. Can you imagine playing Resident Evil on the go, how cool would that be!!!
I don't think the Resident Evil demo was that good, the screen transfering was a bit..iffy and there was no scaling.
Then again I suppose with some things fixed it could have worked out.
I managed to get up the stairs a few times and managed to get through a door once where I encountered a dead body however upon clicking next to it the text that appeared was in French and my French isn't good at the best of times never mind that late at night.
Im gutted about Metal Slug as this game showed the most promies out of everything else i have seen.
he pm'd me a few days ago merely to state hed be happy for me to do an icon for him. it was a response to a two month old pm of mine!

hes still alive.
There is no neo-geo emulator on GP32 that plays metal slug, ms2, ms3, ms5, msx!!!

I really wanna play those on my GP, if someone can help me, thx.

Because on this post you are talking about an spicific port, isn't it?
I wrote badly those phrases, i asked for a neo-geo emu. But he^^ answered there is nothing, so i've lost my hopes of playing metal slug 2 or 3 on it :'(
thats why we're all so excited about the demo that Braindead2 released (try it, if you haven't already) hopefully we will get our own verson of this great franchise soon-ish...