New emulator?

Hmmmm - intriguing!

Translation - from (Sorry - Spanish is a bit rusty!)

08/05/2003 - Amiga Emulator, First on GP32Spain, WeNDaL has sent me a capture of his Amiga 500 emulator for GP32. Just started (?), so still it is in a very preliminary phase, but we will probably see a version much more advanced version soon.

(sorry if my translation is a bit ropey, it's been a while :D)!

Looks interesting (if it's real!)
Sure, why not?

Can anyone translate the news posting?

Edit: Eeek.. too late. Thanks Axeman :)
Welp, we've certainly proven the ST can be done so the Amiga should be doable :) The ST will likely be faster, since its simpler on the rendering hardware, but the Amiga main should be doable. But if UAE is optimized enough, could work out very well.

These are good days in GP32 land :)

VirtuaLeech posted on May 8 2003 said:
Could this be real?

I`ll wet my pant if it is :o :o :o :blink: :blink: :blink: :D :D :D .

Aaahh, Just think, We could play all thoughs classic Amiga games :D :D :D .

oooo!!!, I`m feeling a bit damp just thinking about it :D .

Please, Please be true. :wub: :wub: :wub:
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Well.... it's not really a case of whether it's possible (UAE has been ported to loads of different platforms), but how fast it will be. If the ST emulator is anything to go by, we've got a damn good chance, but the thing I think is going to slow it down is the sound. That will be hard to do. However, if there's anyone around who can do it, they'll hopefull be one of the many talented coders in this community :D.

Here's to the Miggy Emulator (and the Phenomena Enigma demo on a 3" screen :D)

I need for this to be true oh so badly.....

If anyone can do it ill cry (but in a good way).

:wub: :wub: :wub: Massive big fat love to anyone who makes this possible :wub: :wub: :wub:
Hey, if anything least we know we can get the kickstart screen in :D

endless hours just watching that disk in hand and go aaaahhhhhhhhhhh :P

Really tho, if it aint fake, then this is pure amazing, as much as i love the Atari games, the Amiga was what i grew up with (12 years now :D), to have that on the GP would be.... hmmmm.. too good
....worms (directors cut) on the GP32...../me dribbles

Shame its only the amiga 500 :(

This pic looks very suspicious... What's the deal with the background and the link to Looks
like a modified bad quality GP32 site ad. It would be so easy to make a fake look much better.

Conclusion: If it looks so fake, it could actually be true. I keep up the faith. :)
umm Xcom enemy unknown, hired guns, Dune2, Alien breed etc. Lovely!
we live in hope.

Man id forgotten about Hired Guns, what a classsiiiiiccccccccc, we played that for hours 2 player with a bitta paper down the middle of the screen to hide our views LOL :lol:

as for Xcom... all i can say is do do do do do do do do do :D