Save State In Gigadrive


Feb 2, 2004
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This might sound ungrateful though i assure i am really am grateful but is it possible for dave to add a save state in gigadrive. I ask because it is very frustrating to have to start games like sonic from the begging each time you turn it on. This especially applies when the batteries die and you just see the game melt away from the screen.

What does everyone else think about a save state? :unsure:
Yeh i think tis a good idea but we shud give the guy a chance first its brilliant what weve got so far, i think we shud wait for Ryleh's Fgen to come out better and see what thta's like altho i think the work so far on gigadrive is fantastic!!!!!!!!
On the subject of running batteries:
I was kind of wondering wether you guys have lot of time to go on after you get the first signs of your batteries dying, until it actually dies. Because I don't... It's kind of like this : the lights go out... the GP goes out... all within seconds.

Actually it may give a few more seconds then I just discribed, but anyway it is hard for me to actually go through the menu and making a save-state in the given emulator.

I don't usually use savestates since i think it somewhat breaks "the rules" aplied for the game. I do use them in FGB since the ordinary savefiles sucks.

However I don't know if other people experience as short battery-death as me. In that case I think a "panic-button" that makes a quick-savestate, would be a great addition to many emulators.

Perhaps this should have been a new topic, since it doesn't particulary aply to Gigadrive alone.
Mine varies in time.

On gigadrive it dies in seconds. My flu light goes out followed by the battery light. The screen just melts away in the space of five seconds.

On GP Cinema however the light goes out and then i habve about twenty second before the movie stops and crashes.
It depends on the batteries I use for me, my high quality panasonic rechargeables and duracels all just die with the light, screen and everthing. Lower qualiy batts seem to let the light flicker first for a min of so before it packs in.
yupp. it depends on the batteries. my expensive rechargables just turn my GP32 off, normal cheap-branded batteries let the screen flicker heavily for around 5minutes before its over. and even then, i can still use apps that run on 66mhz or something without a problem for like 15mins.

but back to topic. i would like a save-function in gigadrive as well, when that is done it is perfect. we dont need graphic-options etc. like all emus of rlyeh have. its fancy, but not necessary while saving your game is.
I've talked with Dave and everyone should keep there pants on :P. He has big plans for the emu BUT he wants to get the M68k core done first perfectly and thats the most important thing ;)