Park Life


Mar 20, 2004
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Written and made in Photoshop, this is my first ever venture into the GP32 scene, and, even now, it doesn't invlove any coding skill.

Consisting of just jpgs and Aquafishes United GP Viewer to see them, this is my 'Park life' magazine, fit to be read on a GP32.

Muh, you'll prbably all hate it, and Aquafish might sue me for distributing his awesome United Viewer thing but, oh well.

There'll probably be another edition on the way in the next couple of months, with possible more features.


Anyways, if you wnat to ask any questions, simply do it here...

somebody mirror, tosave the boards bandwidth...

and if that link doesn't work, use teh Beta Forum..
Oh, and perks to DreamWarBird for 'beta testing' this release...

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>>Aquafish might sue me for distributing his
>>awesome United Viewer thing but, oh well.
no problems with that... it's a great thing that it's possible to read it directly on the gp32 i think!! but it's too short...
Yeah, it was all done in one night, and it's just to 'test the waters' if you get what I'm saying - I didn't want to make a 50 page document for it to be rejected.

And do you know of anyway in which I could make teh jpgs smaller and still keep quality, as, otherwise, the file will be far too big for a full edition...
I've got a couple of ideas, and one of them involves an interview (or sorts) with akuma no houkon.

It's a decent start, I think.
Keep up the good work it definly something nice! The only problem is that... it's to short :P
Excellent idea, much better for me than the original GPMag, which was .pdf and took ages to load on my PC, this way its instantanious and u can view it on eithe ure GP32 or ure PC, but in the future i dont think theres much point putting the .fxe on there coz most people already have it so it wold reduc (not dramatically of course) your d/load size
I was actually wondering if there was any way in which the United GP viewer could be modded to actually feature like a magazine?

I mean, like, it load up with the front cover, then go on to an 'index' page.

It's make it much more professional.

Maybe if i worked a bit more, I'd be able to get somebody to do it for me.

And the .fxe was left in 'just incase', so nobody could moan...
Oh, and anyone think that the game need more images of the games and stuff? And what about the layout?

I'm open to suggestions.
it's so good

very good idea the jpeg format for gp32....

maybe you could found some people to help you for more articles and maybe an spain and french people for translate....

continu on this...
Only if the magazine came massively big would I ever consider getting other people to write for me.

For now, however, I'd rather keep it as 'my own' - be sure that next issue will have a few more features, possibly a bit of news, and at least 1 article (I love to write articles).

Anyhoo, what about the font? Need to be bigger?
Thanks for the review of Darts in the magazine. I didnt know it was in the magazine let alone it getting a 9/10 score so that was a very nice surprise when i read it.
I was actually wondering if there was any way in which the United GP viewer could be modded to actually feature like a magazine?
I mean, like, it load up with the front cover, then go on to an 'index' page.
It's make it much more professional.
Maybe if i worked a bit more, I'd be able to get somebody to do it for me.
And the .fxe was left in 'just incase', so nobody could moan...

i've just modified a bit united gp viewer for you, now, while viewing a picture, if you push start or select, it load automatically gp:/gpmm/imgs/index.jpg ... is it what you wanted??
I can't honestly say that I tried it on the GP32, but I looked at it on my PC. I think it would be cool to have it as one long JPG file. Or, perhaps, just have each article as a long JPG file. That way, you could make the text larger. You would, of course, have to customize the viewer a bit, but I think the result would be nice.

If someone put in the work to make a nice viewer with options to autoscroll a certain ammount of pixels per second and stuff like this, then you could make it easy for other people to submit articles to your magazine. They would just have to follow the format and then your TOC (table of contents) could link to their article.

I don't think that it would be difficult to do this. You could even have the viewer read in a TOC index file and a TOC JPEG. The viewer could display the TOC JPEG and let the user choose a number. Then the TOC index file could define what article number corresponds to what filename.jpg file.

Just things that are buzzing around my head after reading your mag.

Thanks for making it!!! It's too bad you didn't review my game, though. Just for that, you only get a 5 of 10 on my rating scale.
I should also mention that I have a viewer that could probablly be modified to do this sort of thing. It seems that Aquafish has already started to help with your project, so I don't want to take over. Essentially, he is working with the same JPG code that I use, anyway, so it really doesn't matter much.

Anyway, I can't say for sure right now, but I would probablly be willing to knock up a viewer like I was talking about. It would probablly turn out looking a lot like my JpegView.
>>It seems that Aquafish has already started to help with your project, so I don't want to take over.
no no, i will be very busy this month, so if you can help, do it instead of me...
All I want is for it to be like a magazine - with it loading a front page, then moving onto an index, with pages and desriptions.

Then, after you choose your selection, you can flick through the mag at will.

I'm surprised this hasn't made front page.

Oh well.

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