Gp Advance Progress Report


Active Member
Apr 8, 2003
I and many with me are greatly interested in the progress of GP Advance but since there have been no word from enf65 for the past month I decided to ask him himself how it is progressing. This is what he had to say:

Don't worry, I didn't have much time these past two weeks, so I didn't progress. I will have more time next week. For the moment, I am doing what I should have do since the beginning, a website with news and status of the development.
It is not finished yet, but you can have a look at
He already said he won't enter it into the competition since he does not want it to get unwanted attention (the big N).
hey he have made the new sites in englich, thats very good, its evil to make sites that are intresting for many pople only in the local languege
Personally I think that nintendo should turn a blind eye for all the 2nd rate quality products theyve given us over the past year. First the gamecube, now the dual screen. Oh please! Those were the days when we didnt care about drawing people into the market with technology. It was the quality of Nintendo games that mattered. I cant name more than 5 gamecube exclusive games that are the quality of exclusive games on any of their old systems. Even the new zelda was a major disspaointment.
I cant wait to be able to play golden sun in stereo without headphones and zelda plays very well on open snes. Soon Final Fantasy 3 yay.
dizzytheegg posted on Apr 26 2004 at 04:26 PM said:
Personally I think that nintendo should turn a blind eye for all the 2nd rate quality products theyve given us over the past year. First the gamecube, now the dual screen. Oh please! Those were the days when we didnt care about drawing people into the market with technology. It was the quality of Nintendo games that mattered. I cant name more than 5 gamecube exclusive games that are the quality of exclusive games on any of their old systems. Even the new zelda was a major disspaointment.
I cant wait to be able to play golden sun in stereo without headphones and zelda plays very well on open snes. Soon Final Fantasy 3 yay.
I bet you can't name 5 x-box exclusive games that are great either. How can you dismiss DS when you have not even seen it, let alone played it?

Any how, I am too looking forward to what enf65 may bring us.
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dizzytheegg posted on Apr 26 2004 at 03:26 PM said:
I cant name more than 5 gamecube exclusive games that are the quality of exclusive games on any of their old systems.
I can.
Metroid Prime, Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart DD, Super Mario Sunshine, Zelda, F Zero GX, Viewtiful Joe, Eternal Darkness, Super Monkey Ball, need I go on?
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F Zero GX is the best title so far by Nintendo and Sega's partnership :) If you can get to the AX tracks (its hard) the one with the meteor shower is just outstanding. :)

EDIT: You forgot to mention the Resident Evil and Metal Gear exclusive games :)
carlgeorge posted on Apr 26 2004 at 06:37 PM said:
i agree with pip nintendo rocks. if it wernt for them the video games industire wonted be here.

As Memnoch said a slight exaggeration. If anyone deserves that title it is Atari.
Yep that statement is very wrong, especially in europe- where nintendo did not get popular until the snes. That's we why europe has such a flourishing game dev community- 'cos many of us grew up on home computers. I don't think anyone from pre-snes would agree with that statement, although granted, they have done some great stuff.
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lizard808uk posted on Apr 26 2004 at 05:36 PM said:
F Zero GX is the best title so far by Nintendo and Sega's partnership :) If you can get to the AX tracks (its hard) the one with the meteor shower is just outstanding. :)

EDIT: You forgot to mention the Resident Evil and Metal Gear exclusive games :)
I really wanted to play through metal gear solid again with beefed graphics, wish they released it for the ps2 as well. :(.

Oh, and there's that gamecube final fantasy game too :rolleyes:, and zelda is amazing, I'd love a gamecube, and an x-box actually :P. Both seem to have more games that are only released on that system that are classics than the ps2, I'm probs just forgetting all the classic ps2 games tho B).
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I admit that I was abit harsh back then and I do apologise but games are no near the quality of their snes relatives. All GC has been slapped with is countless sequels. The GC didnt really take off in Europe. I also forgot to state that that was my own personal opininion. How many of those games mentioned before werent sequels to already done in series though? Zelda: I was really disspointed when I picked up my copy of wind waker.
F:zero- This game was fun but yet another countless sequel, not nesacerily a bad thing. Mgs has been played to death when everybody had it on ps1 an completed it millions of times. I sold my GC after relying on nintendo to give me the same gaming experience as on my faithful old atari st(hey I am a dizzy fan), snes and psone. I then bought an xbox and am really pleased with it. If I see mario again i think im gonna shoot him! lol.
Oh btw 5 xbox exclusive non sequels AMPED, Brute Force, Halo, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Knights of the old Republic, Steel Battallion... I still have more to go without mentioning sequels or non exclusive games. The Ps2 has been around for soooo long and although not as recognised the dreamcast had so many greats such as shenmue. Im not an xbox fanboy I just believe that the big N is dying an this dual screen will either make of break them. P.S:damn microsoft for taking the large pads off the market, they were ace.
I dont know why people keep mentioning sequels like they;re a bad thing, a good game is a good game,sequel or not. Frankly I'd rather a familiar character with a personality I know rather than half the new characters that come out and dont express more than a 2 dimentional existance (even in 3d!).

I hated nintendo with a passion back during the N64 days and vowed not to buy another nintendo product outside of the GBA (which seemed to be handled be much smarter people than their consoles.) but with the price drops on the cube I one day said "If I have enough money and can name 10(U.S.) games I really want to play on the system than it'd be worth it as much as my TurboGrafx16." I now own about 25 GC games with no regrets (and no mario games aside from Luigi's mansion).

yeah Nintendo was dumb thats why they arnt the top dog anymore, but they do seem to be learning their lessons faster than Sega did... unfortunatly I see them going the same route very soon if th enext systems dosent snag the no2 spot solidly (lets face it no1 will either be sony or M$ because they actually have the money to blow on advertisments and promotions.)
dizzytheegg posted on Apr 26 2004 at 08:01 PM said:
Oh btw 5 xbox exclusive non sequels AMPED, Brute Force, Halo, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Knights of the old Republic, Steel Battallion... I still have more to go without mentioning sequels or non exclusive games.
At least Halo and Kotor are not exclusive, but actually I don't care at all - it's all personal opinion, I like many Gamecube games and that's why I still have it and continue to guy games.

But... shouldn't we get back to the topic, which would be speculating when we get playable GBA emulation?
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hehe I think we speculated enough, the answer is "Whenever Enf feels like giving it to us." We;re at the mercy of HIS schedual as to when he releases it. the real question is what state will it be in and what can we expect from it.