Giana Classic Levels In Giana's Return?


Certified Guru
Staff member
Jan 12, 2004
Salzburg, Austria
As I have all levels of the original C64 version as JPG now, I could easily rebuild those levels to use in Giana's Return. Is there any interest in having a classic level mode in Giana's Return? Please consider this only as "it might be added" and not as anything promised as the project is on hold atm.
I think that they have their own map editor and they could build the levels the exact way the classics are with it. But isn't Gianas Return on hold till Fall/Automn? You'll have to ask the developers, you know them since your the PDRoms guy right? How is the new GP32 section comming along?

I know the guy who did the levels myself. I meet him every day I look in a mirror :) And yes... as mentioned it is on break :) And the other question... GP32 section comming along nice :)
everyone including me is having final exams very soon, this does not allow us to work on unimportant things. If everything goes straight there will be a neat ranking system... but as said... don't count with it in the near future :)

And now please... other opinions about the levelstuff :) otherwise we go offtopic and we don't get a overview of the ppl interested in such a feature :D
I agree with declaration, it would be a great bonus to unlock once you complete the game - then people could just obtain the level codes if they are too lazy to play it through.

After my weekend in france recently I had plenty of time on the 4hour ferry crossing to get aquainted with Giana's Return, it's truly a quality game - I have been holding off completing the game using the codes though to try and spin it out for longer, so yes, extra levels would be extremely welcome :)
If the original levels are a little easier, I would love to have them on the opening menu. I let my little cousin play my gp32, and he finds the new levels too hard.

Don't make them a hidden option, just make them an option.

Doit\, n. [D. duit, Icel. pveit, prop., a piece cut off. See Thwaite a piece of ground, Thwite.] 1. A small Dutch coin, worth about half a farthing; also, a similar small coin once used in Scotland; hence, any small piece of money. --Shak.
It's kind of a no-brainer... Ofcause we would love to se that :P

One of my friends considers Giana Sisters the ultimate retro-game, and knew the all the secrets in the original. Although he was impressed be the GFX, guess he was kind of dissapointed it wasn't the same levels... Fortunately I could just start Frodo up for him ;)

This is just a sugestion, so you don't need to take this in consideration:
If you add a classic-mode with the original levels, It would be really cool if you added remixes of the original music too.
It might just be me, but I tend to remember the soundtrack of all the classics. Remember playing lots of games (I actually had no clue how to play) JUST because the soundtracks were SOO catchy (on the top of my head "Master of Magic" and "Death or Glory")
I, too, say:
DO IT :)

It's easy to do, the original Giana Levels are also well designed, so we'd have a bunch of very good levels :)

And it's better than playing on any emulator cause you don't have to frameskip and get the smoothest scrolling possible :)